Port Douglas man charged with rape of teenager

Police News


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A 25-year-old Port Douglas man has been charged with rape following an alleged incident in Cairns last Friday.

Cairns Child Protection Investigation Unit detectives arrested the man and charged him with multiple offences involving a teenage girl after they were tipped off by one of her female family members.

Police will allege in court the man arranged to meet a teenage girl at a Cairns hotel via social media on Friday, March 21, supplied her with cannabis, and then sexually assaulted her.

They were both found by officers from the Far North District Tactical Crime Squad later that evening following a police search.

The man was charged with three counts each of rape and supplying dangerous drugs, and one count each of using the internet to procure a child under 16, possessing dangerous drugs, possessing utensils and breach of bail.

He appeared in the Cairns Magistrates Court on Saturday, March 22, where he was remanded in custody until June 10.

Cairns Child Protection and Investigation Unit Detective Senior Sergeant Mick Gooiker said police were providing support to the victim.

“This alleged victim has shown immense bravery in coming forward and speaking to us in relation to this matter,” Sen-Sgt Gooiker said.

“We will continue to investigate all reports of offences against children and bring alleged offenders before the court.”

If you’ve experienced sexual assault, you can call the State-wide Sexual Assault Helpline on 1800 010 120 or 1800 RESPECT for 24-hour help.

If you have information for police on this, or any other crime, contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or crimestoppersqld.com.au.


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