Newsport Digital Advertising Packages

Reach thousands of Douglas Shire residents and frequent visitors quickly and effectively. Save your business time and money with Newsport Advertising.

    Prices ex. gst



Casual Advertising Rates


Banner Ad in the Newsport Daily Newsletter

BOX or BNR in 1 newsletter - Shared / 2   $200
BOX or BNR in 1 newsletter - Exclusive   $400


Business Features




Up to 500 words
Multiple images, and links. Includes interview and on-request photography.

(All features are added to 2 Newsport Alert Email Newsletters)    



Website Banner Advertising p/week


BNR & BOX Ad Sets

60,000 impressions   $630/w
50,000 impressions   $580/w
40,000 impressions   $530/w
30,000 impressions   $480/w
20,000 impressions   $380/w
10,000 impressions   $330/w


Static   $60
Animated (mulitiple slides)   $100
    Prices ex. gst


Business Support Packages

- Introductory Package (2 weeks)    
- Business Editorial Feature    
- 2w BOX / BNR advert campaign    
- 10,000 impressions p/w         
- Inc. in 1 x Shared Email Newsletter Alert    
- Artwork (additional - see below)    
- Packages not available for sponsorships   $790

Positions Vacant

- Positions Vacant Listing
Load direct to site
- No artwork cost
- 14 day listings
- Included in 2 Daily Email Alerts p/w
- Douglas focused audience
- Residents and sea-changer readership
- Unlimited copy 
- Logo included 
- Easy to load and update
- Local customer service :)


  $50 per week
- General Classifieds
- Load direct to site
- No artwork cost
- 14 days on Newsport website
- Inc. in Daily Email Alerts p/w

Real Estate Packages

Until Sold or Leased Listing Packages

- Dynamic Listings - Visit Page   $100
- Remains on page until the property sold or leased    
- Included in the Newsport Market Update - 18K subscribers     
- Free access to Open Home and Auction pages with direct link and direct enquiry options    
- Open Home and Auctions dates shared in Market Update email    
- Included in Daily Newsport Newsletter Alerts - 15K subscribers        
- Please contact your Real Estate Agent to list     

Property Feature Package (+ Listing)

- 500+ word feature including images and links (casual price $750) +    $750
- Plus an Until Sold Listing    

Art Specifications

BNR ads - 728px(w) x 150px(h)
BOX ads - 300px(w) - 250px(h)

BNR Artwork


BOX Artwork



Please contact us on [email protected]

Advertising dates need to be booked in advance and are subject to availability. Artwork deadline is 5 working days before the start of the advertising period.