Local Sport Results and Reports

 Douglas Shire and Cairns FNQ Competitions

( 2 ) Club name Competition Date Upload Photo Results Comment
1. Mossman & District Rifle Club Target Shooting
Saturday 18 January 2025
We had eight shooters today for our double 400 match. Hot breezy weather continues.

F Std: First up was Norbert Schmidt with 57.3 followed by Cameron Leyshon with 55.2 then Bill Kromwyk shot 58.4.
Sporter Hunter: Fabian Wilson shot 45.1 then Glen Cannard with 44.1 up next was Tom Baetscher scoring 50.7 and John Brentson shot 47.2.
Target Rifle: Frank Chester shot a 47.3.

In the Second Round:
F Std: Schmidt scored 66.4 Leyshon up next shot 64.3 followed by Kromwyk on 64.4.
Sporter Hunter: Wilson shot 45.0 followed by Cannard on 49.2 then Baetscher shot 55.6 and Brentson scored 52.5.
Target Rifle: Chester closed out the meet with 52.1.

The final results:
F std:
Norbert Schmidt 123.7
Bill Kromwyk 122.8
Cameron Leyshon 119.5

Sporter Hunter:
Tom Baetscher 105.13
John Brentson 99.7
Glen Cannard 95.3
Fabian Wilson 90.1

Target Rifle:
Frank Chester 99.4

Next week is a double 500m match, visitors and new members welcome.
Sign in around 12 shooting by 13.30.
2. Mossman & District Rifle Club Target Shooting
Saturday 11 January 2025
Seven shooters today joined together on the mound for our double 300 match. Conditions were hot with medium to strong shifting breezes.

F Std: First up was Cameron Leyshon on 55.4 then Brendan Delaney shot 51.0, Bill Kromwyk was up next and shot 58.5
Sporter Hunter: John Brentson started the division with 45.2 then Luke shot 30.0 followed by Tom Baetscher scored 48.6
Target Rifle: Frank Chester shot a 44.1

In the Second Round:
F Std: Leyshon scored 60.3, up next Delaney shot 56.1 followed by Kromwyk on 61.5
Sporter Hunter: Brentson scored 54.2 then Luke shot 47.1 followed by Baetscher on 49.3
Target Rifle: Chester closed off the meet with 50.1

The final results:
F std:
Bill Kromwyk 119.10
Cameron Leyshon 115.7
Brendan Delaney 107.1

Sporter Hunter:
John Brentson 99.4
Tom Baetscher 97.9
Luke 77.1

Target Rifle:
Frank Chester 94.2

Next week is a double 400m match, visitors and new members welcome.
Sign in around 12 shooting by 13.30.

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Sport Results

Sport Results