Time to show your true colours

AFL Grand Final

Bryan Littlely


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Showing their support to the Brisbane Lions and Sydney Swans at Rattle N Hum ahead of Saturday’s AFL Grand Final are Eoghan McGrath, Alannah Micallef, Finn Gray, Jody Michelle Perry and Michael Perry. Picture: Bryan Littlely

The quest for the Holy Grail of footy is just a sleep away for the Brisbane Lions and Sydney Swans, with this year’s AFL Grand Final taking the form of a State of Origin style clash.

Whether it is the Lions that roar or the Swans that soar to premiership glory down south at the Melbourne Cricket Ground may matter little to many in the Douglas region. But there is one thing for certain… pubs and clubs will swell with footy fans regardless of their allegiances.

It matters to die hard Sydney supporter Michael Perry, though. He is making a mercy dash to the MCG on Saturday morning for the big game after securing a rare ticket on Thursday.

“We’re mad Swans supporters. We are members and our kids are members,’’ Michael and Jody Perry said as they made preparations to support their side in the big game.

“We’ve been to four Grand Finals in our time. I’m more confident about the Swans getting the win than I was two years ago when they got pumped,’’ Michael said.

Jody will be staying in Port Douglas, heading to Rattle N Hum to watch the big game in what’s promised to be a vibrant hub of entertainment for the day.

“When you have over 90,000 people roaring just before that first bounce and then it is dead silence, that’s amazing,’’ Jody said.

The couple are passionate too about the local footy, with Jody volunteering for the Port Douglas Crocs women’s side in what was their first season this year.

“It’s great to see them getting involved and having a great go at it,’’ she said.

Irishman Eoghan McGrath hasn’t followed much footy to date but thinks he may have a kick.

“It’s a bit of a mix of rugby and Gaelic by the looks so worth a try,’’ said the man who will be supporting Brisbane in the big game.

The Rattle N Hum publican’s son Finn Gray and Alannah Micallef are both Collingwood fans but both will get into the spirit of supporting teams at the venue on Saturday.

“It’s going to go off. The atmosphere will be pumping,’’ Alannah said.

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