Crank up the excavators on Cook Highway

Talking Point

Shaun Hollis


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Work has started to repair Captain Cook Highway, but it is a slow start. Picture: Bryan Littlely

A lone excavator sitting north of Ellis Beach shows the State Government Transport and Main Roads Department has definitely started work this month on fixing the Captain Cook Highway.

The TMR has ticked that box, like its spokesperson told Newsport last month it would.

But, with one of the longest delays to the start of the monsoon season in recent history, why didn't the department capitalise further by bringing in more heavy equipment and workers throughout this month and make a proper, solid start?

Sure, the days have been hot. But every tradie I know in these parts have been rushing around making the most of the weather because the big rains were holding off.

If the works on the main supply route between Port Douglas and Cairns continue at this snail’s pace, the road won’t be fixed until about 2030.

When I drove through the section damaged by Cyclone Jasper on Saturday morning, two blokes were sitting chatting at the traffic light stop while the big digger was sitting idle.

Can’t one of them be driving that earthmover?

Surely they can muck in and move a few boulders to make life a bit easier for thousands of people living north of Wangetti.

I’m not sure how the state budget works when it comes to fixing our most important road - there are a lot of roadworks needed across the state right now and our numbers are less than many population centres further south.

But the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.

So let's keep squeaking, Douglas Shire, and maybe we can become the mouse that roared.

Douglas Shire Council, are you speaking up for your residents and staying in the ear of the State Government about why the works are going so slow?

Come on, let’s get that excavator moving a little bit faster.


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