Final Pitch: Cook candidates have their say with Newsport's Q&A


Jules Foxlee


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Member for Cook Cynthia Lui on the campaign trail in Mossman. Picture: Office of Cynthia Lui MP

On the eve of the Queensland State Election, Newsport asked those vying for Cook to answer the same set of questions so you, the voter, could compare apples with apples as you decide who will get your vote.

* While effort has been made by Newsport to fact check the claims made by all candidates, they remain the unfiltered pitch of the candidates. Voters are encouraged to do their own scrutiny.

One Nation - Peter Campion

What is your vision for Cook?

My vision for Cook is universal prosperity. There are only three mechanisms that can create wealth to build prosperity: farming/fishing/forestry, mining, and manufacturing. They’re being strangled by unneeded regulations imposed by the Labor-Liberal UNiparty. One Nation’s policies will reduce the regulatory burden and allow free-enterprise capitalism to boost everyone’s income.

What is your vision for the Douglas Shire?

My vision for Douglas includes getting rid of the unneeded rules that prevent areas north of the Daintree being connected to the electricity grid, that unnecessarily restrict the fishing industry, and that make water, fertilisers, and fuels so expensive for primary producers – many of which are based on the global warming nonsense the globalists have pushed since 1982.

What do you see as the key challenge areas for the Douglas Shire?

One of the objectives of the Davos-class globalists, whose agenda is implemented here by the Labor-Liberal UNiparty, is to dramatically cut domestic tourism. With primary industries in forced decline, less tourism would wipe Douglas Shire out. One Nation is the only Australian political party that is fighting the globalists in order to save primary industries and tourism.

What are you planning to do about them if you win the seat?

Nothing can improve in Douglas Shire or anywhere else until the globalists’ agenda is exposed and Australians come to understand how the Labor-Liberal UNiparty has sold them out and the mainstream media has let them down. One Nation has been exposing the globalists as much we can, but we need more MPs to be able turn the tide.

What do you love about Cook?

The people of Cook are amongst the least affected by the brainwashing inflicted on so many Australians by the left-wing legacy corporate media, by activist bureaucrats, and by controlled politicians, so it’s almost always a delight to speak with people here. Plus, we have the healthiest natural environment to be found anywhere.

Why do you want to represent this seat?

Cook’s residents, particularly those of Aboriginal or Islander heritage, have suffered for too long from the oppression of the UNiparty. We could be and should be one of the richest electorates in Australia - except the UNiparty strip-mine our wealth and spend it all in the south-east corner. I want to help lift the UNiparty’s yoke from Cook’s neck.

What's the one big thing you want to change in the next term of Parliament if you win the seat?

I want to move a Private Members Bill to automatically apply sunset clauses to all existing and future legislation, regulations, and government bodies. We are afflicted with an overload of unneeded and unwanted red tape that is choking our prosperity, so parliaments must be required to review it continually and to only keep what’s essential.

Anything else you would like to add?

We are witnessing the centrally planned and coordinated collapse of advanced Western societies, with globalist-controlled governments blatantly refusing to follow the will of their people and marching in lockstep to return humanity to serfdom. It’s not accidental and it won’t stop if we pretend it’s not happening. Fighting back begins with getting the UNiparty out of our parliaments.

LNP - David Kempton

What is your vision for Cook?

If elected on Saturday I will have a very positive presence in Cook. I want to see the decade of neglect by Labor turned around with necessary infrastructure and services to support the diverse economic, social, natural and environmental features of this unique and challenging part of our great state. Fair and equitable cost of living, homes and streets free from crime, faith in our health services and housing for all serviced by a road network that is reliable.

What is your vision for the Douglas Shire?

I will open an office in Douglas as a point of contact as we work together to turn around the devastating impact of Cyclone Jasper, the mill closure and deterioration of services. The LNP has already guaranteed an investment plan to support the canegrowers and residents whilst we assist to sort out the future of the industry and the Shire. The residents are entitled to a safe and reliable road to Cairns, a functional water supply, adequate health services, safety in their homes and a certain future. I don’t think the disaster recovery response was anywhere near adequate, and I will work with Council to ensure Douglas is treated fairly.

What are the key challenges for the Douglas Shire?

The single biggest challenge for Douglas Shire is the mill closure and the associated economic impact. With the prospect of a diminishing rate base and increasing cost of reduction in revenue the Council has quite a challenge ahead of it. There is a need to upgrade existing water supply and roads whilst addressing infrastructure requirements for the future. I will work closely with the Council to ensure the government does not overlook the Shire.

What are you planning to do about them if you win the seat?

I intend to implement the LNP investment plan to support the cane industry, look at ways to top up the disaster response, reclassify the Cape Trib road as a state controlled road, assist Council to open up land for housing, increase police presence and powers to address crime, provide further employment opportunities and reassure the residents that I will be present.

What do you love about Cook?

I have been connected with Cook for most of my working life. I love its complexity, diverse cultures, it’s natural diversity, amazing landscapes, broad based industries and most of all its self-reliant, friendly, community-minded people. I yearn for the opportunity to serve that community again.

Why do you want to represent this seat?

See above

What's the one big thing you want to change in the next term of Parliament if you win the seat?

I want to see the people of Cook have the representation they deserve. A strong voice, safe hands, and reliable member of Parliament.

Anything else you would like to add?

The state is in a mess with a crime, cost of living, health and housing crisis. The only way out is by changing the government that caused the disaster. The only solution is a change of government. Only the LNP can offer a fresh start. My pledge is to represent you in Brisbane, not to be a mouthpiece of government and to turn up every time.

Labor Member for Cook Cynthia Lui

What is your vision for Cook?

My priority for the Cook community is providing cost of living relief, improving access to quality education and health services and supporting more local jobs to help build a stronger region for generations to come. I will always fight to do what matters for Cook so our communities can engage in the social, economic and cultural opportunities our great region has to offer.

What is your vision for the Douglas Shire?

I know how important health, education and infrastructure are for the people of the Douglas Shire. This is why I have worked hard to deliver refurbishments at Mossman State High, State school and hospital as well as the new 20 megalitre reservoir in Port Douglas and upgrades to the Port Douglas wastewater treatment plant and of course, I want to see tourism promoted to our beautiful region by delivering the new boat ramp at Newell Beach and the Wangetti walking and mountain biking trail.

What do you see as the key challenge areas for the Douglas Shire?

We are no stranger to the devastating impact of severe tropical cyclones, storms and floods, as well as droughts. I know the people of Douglas Shire are still feeling the impacts of Cyclone Jasper and they need improved roads and support services. It is critical that our community has the water infrastructure our residents and tourism industry need to supply reliable safe, clean drinking water.

What are you planning to do about them if you win the seat?

I am proud to have worked closely with the Minister for Water, Federal Government and Douglas Shire Council to deliver the funding required for a new, additional water intake on the Mossman River to better manage severe weather events. Construction is expected to kick-off by May 2025, weather permitting, and it will support 15 jobs. We will continue our work to restore and disaster-proof our roads into the future. And importantly, a re-elected Labor Government will deliver $650,000 for Mossman Support Services to expand their facilities. This means they will be able to provide more programs and services to the community, from visiting services to housing and family support and ongoing disaster recovery support.

What do you love about Cook?

Cook is my home, and I love my home. The vastness of the region makes Cook one of the most complex and diverse electorates in Queensland. It has been my absolute pleasure to work closely with all my communities to support their immediate and long-term aspirations and it will be a great privilege and honour to continuing doing what matters for the region.

Why do you want to represent this seat?

I am absolutely committed to building stronger communities in Cook. Whether it’s delivering healthcare closer to home like birthing services in Weipa, renal dialysis in Kowanyama or upgraded hospital at Mossman, or upgrading the Peninsula Development Road (PDR) and marine infrastructure – I want to continue delivering for Cook. What worries me is what is at risk under the LNP. Just a few days out from the election and they still have not said how they are going to fund $18 billion of their election promises.

What's the one big thing you want to change in the next term of Parliament if you win the seat?

So many people tell me how important it has been to see $1000 off their electricity bills, 20% off their rego, free kindy and free TAFE. I know the people of Cook are excited to see what more cost-of-living relief a re-elected Miles Government will deliver, and I will always look for opportunities and support laws that lower the cost of living for the people of Cook. It’s great they know when we say we’re going to lower cost of living – we deliver.

Anything else you would like to add?

The Member for Cook did not answer this question

Greens - Troy Miller

What is your vision for Cook?

To see everyone in the Cook electorate housed, fed, thriving and looking forward to the future with meaningful employment to build a strong and resilient community. 

What is your vision for the Douglas Shire?

Similar vision as the Cook electorate, a bike path built between Port and Mossman to further connect the communities and encourage tourism to continue to flourish. 

What are the key challenges for the Douglas Shire?

A key challenge will be providing a solution to the sugar mill closure and climate change, if the reef and fish stocks continue to suffer, tourism will suffer and therefore Douglas economy. 

What are you planning to do about them if you win the seat?

I plan on getting together with all sugar farmers and ex-mill employees to come up with a solution going forward based on evidence provided by all involved. Climate change will be a long slog, but the Greens plan is to stop all new coal and gas and build more renewables.

What do you love about Cook?

I love the Cook electorate for its variety in communities, culture, food, people, and tropical lifestyle, the reef, rivers and rainforests, fishing, diving, and the Cape. 

Why do you want to represent this seat?

I want to represent this seat because I love this area. I have spent the last five years working here and I plan for many more. My family and I have made it our home. 

What's the one big thing you want to change in the next term of Parliament if you win the seat?

I want to see every child housed, playing sports, fed two healthy meals per day in all public schools and dental incorporated into Medicare.

Anything else you would like to add?

I will listen to the people of Cook and be their voice in Parliament where I will fight for policy change, bring transparency and trust into politics, provide solutions for Cook issues and reduce the cost of living by finally taxing the big corporations and billionaires who have been taking out resources without paying their fair share. This is not some utopian dream; we can all have this. Allow me to fight for the Cook electorate’s fair share.

Katter's Australian Party - Duane Amos

What is your vision for Cook?

My vision for Cook is to create a region that thrives on robust economic growth, resilient infrastructure, and empowered Indigenous leadership in the Cape and Torres. Cook has immense potential across agriculture, tourism, mining, and local enterprise.  By focusing on long-term, community-driven solutions, we can create a future where all residents benefit from better infrastructure, employment opportunities, and a vibrant economy.  I want to ensure that every community, from the Gulf to the Torres Strait, feels heard and supported, driving economic diversity and making Cook a model for Queensland’s future.

What is your vision for the Douglas Shire?

Douglas Shire should be a sustainable tourism and environmental hub that supports its residents while preserving its unique natural heritage. My vision is to foster growth in eco-tourism, agriculture, and local business, while addressing the infrastructure challenges that currently hold the Shire back. By focusing on better roads, freight, sustainable housing, and modern waste management systems coupled with water security to support tourism growth, I believe we can create a Shire that balances progress with conservation, ensuring it remains a vibrant place to live and visit for generations to come.

What do you see as the key challenge areas for the Douglas Shire?

The key challenges for Douglas Shire include infrastructure, road network and water security. The region also faces challenges around sustainable development and ensuring that tourism grows without compromising the natural environment and quality of life for residents and their daily activities. The region is still in the transition from cyclone Jasper, and this is a priority as we enter the next wet and cyclone season. Additionally, the ongoing need for economic diversification to create jobs beyond tourism remains a critical issue.

What are you planning to do about them if you win the seat?

If elected, I will focus on securing critical infrastructure funding for the Douglas Shire to improve roads, water supply, industry transition and economic expansion. I will also champion sustainable tourism initiatives, working with local councils and businesses to
ensure we protect the environment while boosting the local economy. Furthermore, I plan to address the housing affordability issue by promoting affordable and sustainable housing projects. My priority will also be to support economic diversification, encouraging investment in agriculture, local enterprise, and technologies to diversify the Mossman Mill to create long-term job opportunities for the Cook Shire residents.

What do you love about Cook?

What I love most about Cook is its diversity—both in its people and its landscapes. From the Torres Strait Islands to the heart of Cape York, every community has a unique identity and story that requires locally driven engagement and solutions. The region is rich in culture, with strong Indigenous heritage that is integral to Queensland’s past, present, and future. I am constantly inspired by the resilience and innovation of Cook’s people, whether they’re working on the land, in our towns, or on the water. It’s this diversity that drives my passion to serve and ensure a strong voice in Brisbane for our region.

Why do you want to represent this seat?

I want to represent Cook because I believe this electorate deserves leadership that understands its complexities and can deliver results. Having worked across this region for over 30 years, I know the importance of aligning government priorities with local needs. I’ve built relationships that can translate into real opportunities for Cook. From improving infrastructure to creating new economic opportunities, I am committed to making sure Cook is no longer an afterthought in Queensland’s decision-making but a driving force for its future.

What's the one big thing you want to change in the next term of Parliament if you win the seat?

The one big change I want to achieve is securing substantial investment in infrastructure, empowering local governments with decision making for key priority projects. Upgrades of the roads network, upgrade of critical transport corridor bridges, water security and supply network in communities that will flow to all regions, continue to support the Indigenous leadership of Torres Cape Indigenous Council Alliance to become the premiere Indigenous body in Torres and Cape, digital connectivity and investment into the Lakeland irrigation system are all essential for the region’s development, but they have been neglected for too long. I want to ensure that every part of the Cook electorate has access to reliable infrastructure that supports economic growth and improves quality of life for all residents.

Anything else you would like to add?

Cook is on the verge of major change, but it requires strong leadership and a clear vision to capitalise on its potential. I am ready to bring that leadership, combining my 34 years of leadership experience in policing with my deep family connection to the region. I will ensure Cook’s voice is heard at every level of government, and I am committed to building partnerships that will create a prosperous, sustainable future for the electorate. Together, we can create a Cook that thrives now and for generations to come. I will also involve local communities in the planning and/or decision-making as I believe in inclusivity and engagement to drive solutions and turn ideas into outcomes for stronger, thriving communities.

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