Your big chance to rescue a pet

Animal adoption


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Pet adoption can help relieve loneliness and social isolation. Picture: Eugene Hyland

If you’ve ever thought of adopting a rescue pet, this could be your weekend to take the plunge.

Rescue pet adoption days are being held at a Smithfield store from 10am-2pm on Saturday, March 22, and Sunday, March 23, as part of National Pet Adoption Month.

Animal experts will also be on hand to offer expert advice for potential new owners on both days.

One of the most significant barriers to adoption is uncertainty about a pet’s history, animal behaviourist Lara Shannon says.

“Many rescue pets, including dogs, cats, and smaller animals, are already house-trained and have basic manners,” she says. 

“Most of the time, adopting a pet isn’t starting from scratch - it’s about building on the great traits they already have.”

The adoption event is designed to raise awareness of pet adoption and foster-care placement by urging Far North Queenslanders to consider a pet most in need of a loving home.

Run by the Petstock Foundation, one mission is to “improve the lives of people through the strong bond we experience with our pets”.

“Whether you’re looking for a companion that squeaks, neighs or barks,  there is a pet for everyone,” a release about the weekend event states.

There are more than 10,000 pets at shelters, rescue groups, pounds and vets across Australia awaiting adoption, according to the Foundation, with this number increasing in recent years due to the rising cost of living.

Pet adoption can help reduce loneliness and social isolation and give pets a loving home.

Visit for further details about the days, which are being held at both the Petstock Smithfield and Petstock Cairns stores.


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