YOU SAID IT! Palm Cove plan gets you talking


Contributor Article

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Concept plans for an upgrade of Palm Cove have received a mixed response. Picture: Hunt Design


Sarah Jane Gladigau

Sadly the retaining sea wall will be so high that it will obscure half of palm cove so we as residents spend millions to build a wall to obscure a view that millions pay to visitor.

Kerrie Waldon

There was a public meeting about this last night and there was not overwhelming support for this concept with the local Palm Cove community. However, Advance Palm Cove seem to be putting this out everywhere when it seems there needs to be more public consultation. The so-called “outdated” Caravan Park has won numerous awards. This Caravan Park is very popular with tourists and locals alike and brings a lot of money into the local community. To even consider replacing this park with a car park and a fancy swimming pool would be criminal. I thought Advance Palm Cove were about supporting local businesses, not removing them. Our local members from levels of government can do better than this.

Teegan Batey

That would be incredible for Palm Cove residents and visitors. Agree Port Douglas would highly benefit from something similar, the biggest downfall for Port is the limited access to the ocean safely I feel.

Deborah Christopher

This will be great for Palm Cove, how refreshing it is to see a town planning for its future.

Stephen Bull

Oh here we go again make it “better“ by destroying it. Don’t we ever learn? Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg!

Robert Collins

I prefer money to be spent on essential services and infrastructure than the millions that will be spent on this.

Michelle Simone

A lagoon!!!! And STILL Port Douglas doesnt get one. Surely there are far more young kiddies around the Northern beaches to warrant a splash park in Palm Cove and put a lagoon in Port!!! I know it is different councils but this IS a smack in the face again for us in PD

Steven Hull

Is anyone (right about now) regretting the decision to de-amalgamate…all we had to do was wait our turn!!

Marcus Anderson

Well that'll change a few sand bars.

Warren Collins

Would sure interfere with the natural migration of sand and create a build up on the south side wall and a dead spot with no beach on north side of rock wall


Outrage after spike in bird deaths


Bon White

Signage on road like a billboard speed 20 klms ?. Would help also Speed Bumps etc

Karon Sacks

This is so dreadful that humans can behave in such an evil way .. they come to Paradise and become monsters.. this is sickening.. I absolutely love these birds and it does break my heart to see and hear this - something has to change !! I live in a street where I have young blokes speed and carry on like lunatics most weekends. I hate to think how many night dwelling birds they kill speeding and misbehaving. Speed bumps maybe??

Neal Keenan

Saw them yesterday looks like they’re short of a few chickens ! Slow down and enjoy.

Alf Craig

Past time the hoons were clamped down on.


Jungle Drum digs the disruption


Caroline Bloomfield

Why are we listening to Lawrence Mason?


Disruptors are a catalyst for change. For all the bizarre changes Trump has made to the Federal public service in the US the last few weeks. His long term positive outcome is to undermine the safe cloistered seats of millions of public servants and may be the only way to chip away at the 33 trillion dollars of debt the USA owe to the world. Spending has to be tempered.

The world’s policemen are BROKE.

You should not spend what you do not have. A credo that is sorely lacking in Australia. Employment growth in Australia is at the moment solely within the public service. The low employment figures we have now are a BAD DREAM based on steadily growing numbers of public servants. While industry and commerce are on the ropes using life support.

The Katters, Hansons and other disruptors have a place, but who is up and coming to back these sorts of people in the quest for some rationality? No one I can see.


Push to start Mossman rice industry


Allen Richard Lavender

Six plus years ago I went to a little cal meeting about rice being a replacement for cane. It made sense. I hope the farmers move in the direction of rice and hemp.

Micko More

Rice uses massive amounts of water.

Robert Carroll

We have plenty of (water) every year more just lately They did grow it in Mareeba’s for a while but most didn’t like it so I think it will go good in Mossman’s very wet areas like Miallo /Daitree

Phillip Carlon

Could be a great crop! I am an old rice farmer that is now working in the swimming pool industry. My family left rice farming when government put a price on water. Should be able to grow two crops a year up here. But if you install a bio-digester tank In Mossman you would be able to produce methanol and or ethanol for the SAF industry at Townsville. I can’t get any one from Mossman to talk to me!

Oxox Luwanah

While rice seems essential, other alternatives like bananas, sorghum, figs, beans, sweet potatoes, and cassava are also worth considering.

Susan Attwood

They have been talking about this for over 6 years ! Should have started then ! the mill planted hundreds of cocoa trees were about to have the first crop and Mackay sugar had them all pulled out.


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