YOU SAID IT: Give the US a farewell salute


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Ann Ireland

Can we get back the $800 million down payment we just made? Second hand nulcear subs aren't due to be delivered till 2032. By then wars will probably be fought with drones.

Owen Snelten

Yes this might require a rethink. The whole Jap/French, American, British sub thing has been a world joke for many years and we still don't have a single sub in the water for the billions wasted.. I wonder who has become rich from all of these deals?

John Guerillot

Why do we need subs? I know so we can fight Russia or China. What a waste of taxpayer’s money

Samantha Rich

Australia should be joining Brics, not following the EU descent into war & poverty.

Lorraine Symons

What good would a sub be?


Farewell to a pillar of Port Douglas


Heidi Bresler

Thank you Newsport Daily for writing such a nice story about my dad Tony. He would have loved it.

Annie Piper

Rip Tony, you were one of the greats. Port Douglas will miss you. Thank you for the advice you gave me & for just being a bloody legend. Sending love to your family. Xx

Jess Uhlig

Tony McGrath, what an awesome human. RIP Friend. Cam; biggest love to you

Grant Law

Sad to hear the passing of such a legend, so many great memories working with and learning from him. Wish I could be there for the celebration…..but as I can’t be I will celebrate by continuing to tell the funny stories about you, pass on your realestate estate words of wisdom to anyone who’ll listen and drinking red wine as long as I can. Cheers mate, it was an an honour and a pleasure knowing you.

Michelle Renshaw

The Tonsta will be very much missed in Port Douglas. RIP Tony. Many happy times and memories we had. Condolences to all his family.

Joe Ker Elliott

Legend. Will be sorely missed from Port Douglas! I hope the Pink Moke continues around town!

Naomi Taylor

RIP Tony, a local legend lost


Mossman women a lifeline


Ella Bennett

Well done ladies. Miss shopping with you in Mossman

Jo Westgate

Good job ladies

Lucy Cherington

Three great ladies



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