ROAD WATCH: Flood warnings and community concerns

Road Watch


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Flooding at Bushy Creek continues to cause problems for motorists with the road remaining closed.

Flood warnings and road closures are in place for parts of the Douglas Shire region and beyond, as calls are made for Douglas Shire Council to provide better road warning advice.

Foxton Avenue was impacted in all directions due to flooding this morning, Queensland Traffic issuing an online warning shortly before 8am, while the Mossman to Mt Molloy Road was closed to all traffic at Bushy Creek, Julatten.

The Queensland Traffic site also shows road restrictions in the Cape Tribulation area due to earlier flooding and that Creb Track remains closed throughout the wet season, the next road inspection to take place on March 28.

Flooding causing closures as Junction Bridge, Cooya Beach, has sparked community members to call for a camera at the bridge to monitor conditions and closures.

Responding to requests for information about flood heights and closures on the Cooya Beach Community Facebook page, Mike Fraser said earlier this week: “Council needs to put a camera on the bridge like the rest in the Shire. A lot of traffic’’.

And he has support, Kylie Grogan, among them with her comment: 

“Yes they sure do. Just to give locals the heads up.’’

Mr Fraser added: “especially the speed factor people crossing the bridge may hopefully slow them down as seen today. Very busy bridge either way.’’

Motorists across the region are playing their part in informing community members through social media, advising of poor road conditions and newly formed potholes to be aware of, Jess Jan adding that there are lots of potholes on Cook Highway coming from Mossman and heading towards Bonnie Doon Road.


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