Push on to improve Shire water supplies

Federal Election


Last updated:
Douglas Shire Council wants to increase the capacity of Crees Road reservoir by 50 per cent. Picture: DSC

A $6.6m Crees Road water reservoir expansion is “essential” to improve the region’s water security, Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon says.

The council is advocating for the project in the lead-up to the next federal election, which must take place before May 17, saying it would significantly increase the reservoir’s water-storage capacity by about 50 per cent, from 20 to 30 million litres.

Mayor Scommazon said the upgrade plan was part of the council’s push to improve the region’s water security.

“This essential project will improve our resilience during natural disasters and enable opportunities for both residential and no-residential development,” Mayor Scomazzon said.

“The project will also create additional jobs during construction.”

DSC is advocating for the upgrade through regional federal politicians, including retiring Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch and election candidates such as Labor’s Matt Smith and the LNP’s Jeremy Neal.

Water security has been an ongoing issue in Douglas Shire for many years, with level one water restrictions currently in place despite the wet season taking place.

The restrictions allow the use of sprinklers and irrigation systems between 6pm and 8am for a maximum of four hours, and only on alternate days.


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