PICTURE GALLERY: Forever Reef Project opens its doors in Port Douglas


Jamie Jansen


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Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon and renowned marine scientist Charlie Veron, a key advisor to the project, officially cut the ribbon to mark the occasion. Picture: Newsport

Project partners, supporters, and sponsors gathered on Friday, March 14, to celebrate the official opening of the Forever Reef Project’s new home at the Port Douglas Marina.

Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon and renowned marine scientist Charlie Veron, a key advisor to the project, officially cut the ribbon to mark the occasion. 

Guests toured the expanded centre, learnt more about its impact, and witnessed the dedication behind this important conservation effort.


Newsport is one of the proud sponsors and very thankful to be given the opportunity to help GBR Legacy bring the Forever Reef Project home to Port Douglas. 

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