On top of the new Daintree boardwalk, you'll soon be having some fun



Last updated:
The Jindalba Boardwalk near Cape Tribulation is set to be upgraded. Picture: Queensland National Parks

Work is due to start on a $4.5m rebuild of the Jindalba Boardwalk in the Daintree National Park, weather permitting.

A new 650m-long walkway, including disability access and three water crossings, is set to be built by the Queensland Government through the world heritage-listed rainforest. 

The elevated boardwalk will be replaced with fibreglass reinforced plastic and timber handrails, the existing carpark will be upgraded to allow disability access, six new interpretive signs will be installed, and the shelter will also be upgraded.

Other key features include installing 70m of concrete, as well as a viewing platform.

State Tourism and Environment Minister Andrew Powell said the upgrade was needed to meet the needs of more than 50,000 people who visit the walking area each year. 

“We’re investing in this stunning boardwalk to support local tourism jobs, and give local, national and international tourists a compelling reason to visit the Daintree,” Minister Powell said. 

“The renovation will also ensure the boardwalk’s longevity and resilience against severe weather events.” 

The Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation has helped oversee the project, with Eastern Kuku Yalanji community members set to be employed to work on the upgrade. 

The new boardwalk has been designed to blend in with the rainforest as part of the eco-tourism setting.


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