New Cow Bay surgery being stitched together


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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The Cow Bay health centre roof is now on.

The new $14.8m Cow Bay Primary Health Centre is a step closer to completion, with the roof now on.

The centre,  being built next to the current Diwan building, is being constructed on a 10,000sq m site and includes staff accommodation and a new helipad.

With the build set to be finished by the middle of the year, the centre should greatly improve health services for locals north of the Daintree River.

The new surgery will include a mental-health consultation room, a resuscitation room and breast-screening to join the current child-health support, immunisation clinic, adult health checks and weekly doctor visits.

Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service chief executive Leena Singh said the centre will be a valuable asset to the community.

“After serious weather events in the past couple of years, the new buildings have been fitted out with solar panels and battery banks,” she said.

“We look forward to opening the new primary health centre and seeing the positive impact it will have on the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors north of the Daintree River.”

Nursing director Michele Lamond said the new centre would be a great improvement to the current one, offering a more comfortable experience.

“Having an indoor waiting room and an indoor toilet, along with my own office, is going to be a dream come true,” she said.

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