Leichhardt voters, ready yourselves to go to the polls

Federal Election


Last updated:
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese started hitting the election trail this week, even before this morning's election-date announcement.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has this morning called the next federal election for Saturday, May 3.

Mr Albanese, who made the call the morning after Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s budget reply speech, said during the announcement he was aiming to lead a Labor government in its own right, despite polls showing a strong possibility that one of the major parties may have to do a deal with independents or the Greens if it wants to form government.

In the Far North Queensland seat of Leichhardt, which takes in Douglas Shire and all of its surrounding areas, there will be a new federal MP following sitting LNP member Warren Entsch announcing his retirement.

The LNP candidate for the coming election is paramedic Jeremy Neal, while the Labor candidate is former Cairns Taipans basketballer Matt Smith.

Leichhardt, where more than 80 per cent of the population lives in Cairns, is considered a key seat by many pundits, with both major parties expected to throw considerable resources into winning it.

The other candidates running for the seat are Phillip Musumeci (Greens), Les Searle (Family First) and Robert Hicks (One Nation).

LNP candidate Jeremy Neal will campaign on a platform of helping families improve their living conditions.

“While the region is a beautiful place to live, Jeremy sees many residents doing it tough,” one statement reads.

Jeremy wants to be part of a government that “focuses on the real issues facing Australians.”

Labor’s Matt Smith says he has seen first-hand the pressure families are under.

“Matt is a believer in the power of community and strives to be a part of that through his work and volunteering,” his platform notes read.


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