NEWSPORT NEWSFEED: Don’t be a dopey drone operator
Tuesday, January 7

As drones topped Christmas wish lists this past holiday season, Ergon Energy Network is urging people to ensure they never fly them near the power network.
With more people having given drones as gifts recently, particularly to children, Ergon crews have increasingly been called out to remove drones that have become stuck in powerlines, sometimes causing significant power disruptions.
Area Manager Renee Kath stated, “We’ve steadily seen a rise in the number of drones being flown into powerlines, and unfortunately, it’s not just a nuisance; it can be dangerous.”
“In some cases, a drone stuck in powerlines has caused extended power outages, affecting thousands of homes and businesses.
“It’s important that people understand the risks involved and take care to avoid flying near any of our electricity assets.”
While drones can offer hours of fun, Ms Kath warns that flying them near powerlines poses serious safety concerns.
“The last thing anyone wants is for their Christmas present to end up tangled in a live powerline, bringing down powerlines and causing a risk to anyone nearby,” Ms Kath said.
“We recommend parents supervise children who are using drones to ensure they don’t fly anywhere near these hazards.
“And if the worst occurs and a drone gets caught in powerlines, substations, or transformers, it is vital that you don’t try and remove it because there’s a real risk of a life-threatening electric shock or worse.
“The best measure, should the drone become stuck in powerlines or similar electrical assets, is to call Ergon on 13 22 96.”
Mareeba Police seek owners of items

Mareeba Police are trying to locate the owners of property that has been handed into police.
The motorbike was located on Thursday October 24 at Tinaroo Creek. Please reference QP2401826006 to claim, if it belongs to you.
Among other items being held at Mareeba Police, an iPhone with a pink case was located in the middle of the Byrnes Street, near the Post Office on Monday November 25. Please reference QP2402025778 to claim, if it is yours.
A black Telstra mobile phone was located on Anzac Avenue on Wednesday December 11. Please reference QP2402130500 to claim, if it is yours.
A Pandora ring was located outside Coles, Mareeba on Thursday December 19 at about 12pm. Please reference QP2402221200 to claim, if it belongs to you.
A Holden key was located on Vaughan Street on Friday December 27 at about 2pm. Please reference QP2402242188 to claim, if it belongs to you.
And a silver bike was located outside of Coles Mareeba on Saturday January 4 at about midnight. Please reference QP2500019145 to claim, if it belongs to you.
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