WEATHER WATCH: Moderate chance of cyclone next week, but no chance of it being called Anthony

Weather Watch


Last updated:
There is more chance of the next cyclone forming off the Western Australian coast than the Queensland coast. Picture: Bureau of Meteorology

Far North Queensland residents are being reminded to update their cyclone plans with a tropical low moving down the coast set to dump more rain on the region in the next week.

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted a 25 per cent chance of a tropical cyclone forming off the northern Queensland coast by Monday, but the low-pressure system is expected to move further out to sea by the time it intensifies further.

If this weather system does turn into a cyclone, however, it will no longer have the same name as our Prime Minister.

The name for the next cyclone was originally selected as Anthony, but that has been changed to avoid confusion with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s name.

The next cyclone, which is more likely to form from a tropical low currently sitting off the Western Australian coast than the one off the Queensland coast, will instead be called Alfred.


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