Mossman Mill hits the market
Mossman Mill Sale

Mossman Mill has hit the market, with Colliers last week listing the 42ha site at 34 Mill Street with expressions of interest closing at 4pm on March 20.
The Colliers Cairns listing details that Mossman Mill was one of only 24 raw sugar milling factories in Australia and has been in operation since 1897 and was “no longer in operation’’.
The listing comes as dozens of railway cane bins were scrapped on site, with other dismantling works took place.
“The Mill provided crushing facilities to cane growing areas of Daintree, Whyanbeel, Miallo, Mossman, Mowbray, Cassowary & Julatten,’’ the advert says.
“The offering comprises the Mill Factory, installed plant, industrial sheds, office buildings, parking and laydown areas, nine residential dwellings, rural lands and substantial infrastructures for power and water supply.
“This is a rare opportunity to acquire a significant asset with substantial potential for redevelopment or continued industrial use.’’
The land is zoned industrial and rural and the Mossman Mill, associated plant, titles and infrastructures are offered for sale as a package or in sections by Expression of Interest.
The next phase of the dismantling of the Mossman Mill operations has been well underway over the past fortnight as dozens of cane cages and railstock are scrapped.
With the dismantling work and sale has come a flow of rumours about the future of the site, who might take over and just what it might be used for in the future, as all indicators point to this year’s harvest being the last for the Shire.
Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation is one mooted new tenant for the sugar mill.
Member for Cook David Kempton said much of the equipment at Mossman Mill has been sold off by the liquidator, including the locomotives.
Mr Kempton is working with the Minister for Primary Production, Tony Perrett, to create a specialist group to assist the growers and the community assess and implement alternate crops an industries beneficial to the future of the town and region.
It was stated as part of last week's Advance Cairns event that many of the mill workers had taken work at the Mt Carbine mine site.
In December, Mossman Mill said goodbye to its much-loved locomotives, trucked to South Johnstone by their new owner MSF Sugar.
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