HOW WE SEE IT! Saturday Snapshot

With Bryan Littlely and Shaun Hollis

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All good things come to an end

Our love affair with Ol Mate Fisherman - that’s the Shire and our own Newsport crew I’m talking about -  has again had its ups and downs this past week.

Just when we thought the story had been put to bed with still no explanation for how he came to be on his rocky outcrop or who was responsible for stealing him away, up he popped face down in a ditch.

And then gone again.

While I feel I formed a bit of a bond with Ol Mate, I don’t mind if he doesn’t show his scruffy mulleted head again.

Afterall, legends come and go.

Gone but not forgotten


Wangetti Trail… what were they thinking?

I’m no engineer, no track builder and no longer much of a walker or bike rider due to 300 games of footy and the dodgy knees that delivers.

But just a brief inspection of the now widely ruined small section of Wangetti Trail following a few heavy rains has me questioning what the thought process was with this project… and how can its continuation be contemplated?

While I have not got qualifications in design and construction, I do know that water flows downhill and trees topple over when you undermine their roots.

I reckon I could take a punt that building a track up a streamline is going to end badly.

The fact the Wangetti Trail is ruined in less than half the time motorists have been waiting for repair work to start on the Cook Highway should send a pretty strong message to stop any further waste.

Wangetti waste


The sweet sound of music

It is great to see our community embrace the Savannah Sounds Port Douglas program, presented by Douglas Shire Council and with Newsport as the major sponsor.

Working collaboratively with the community for great outcomes and to bring positive vibes is what drives me as a community journalist, and Douglas Shire does this outstandingly well compared to many other regions around Australia.

And, let’s face it, there’s nothing better than getting excited about a party!

There’s been no shortage of suggestions for who should play the show, so I may as well have my say…. Or at least take on board the suggestions of my 15-year-old gig going mad daughter!

Personally, I’m on the Living End, Killing Heidi and Hilltop Hoods “bandwagon”.

The kid suggests Lime Cordial and Sticky Fingers are the go…. sounds like the bar at the all ages gigs she goes to!

Let’s get ready to party


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