First Nations graduates from the first ‘Get Into Reef Conservation Training Program’


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Graduates of the first ‘Get Into Reef Conservation Training Program’ in partnership with the King’s Trust Australia and the Reef. Picture: Supplied Cooperative

Citizens of the Reef has announced that in partnership with the Reef Cooperative and the King's Trust Australia, a cohort of young Indigenous leaders have graduated from the Get Into Reef Conservation Training Program.

In late 2024, in partnership with the King’s Trust Australia, the Reef Cooperative launched the Get Into Reef Conservation Training Program, which combines programs from both organisations: the Reef Intervention Training Program from the Reef Cooperative and the Achieve Program from the King's Trust Australia. The new program combines practical training in reef restoration skills and soft skills in career development and communication.

The Reef Cooperative is a powerful local initiative co-managed and co-owned by us at Citizens of the Reef, Gunggandji Rangers, Yirrganydji Land and Sea Rangers, Mars Sustainable Solutions, GBR Biology and supported by our founding funder Cotton On. Citizens of the Reef’s keystone program, the Great Reef Census helps to identify and prioritise critical reefs for conservation and protection.

Simultaneously, The Reef Cooperative works to equip local communities with the tools, methodologies, and skills to actively protect these sites. The Reef Cooperative bridges the gap between identifying high-priority conservation areas and taking meaningful action where it matters most.

The graduation of the first Get Into Reef Conservation cohort marks an important step toward strengthening the connection between Traditional Indigenous knowledge, modern conservation practices, and the future of the Great Barrier Reef. We are proud to see Kirsten Richards, Tobias Prior, Kobe Greenoff and Amber Sheppard complete their training.

As a result, they have become skilled in advanced open-water diving, steel fabrication skills, communication and career development. These four graduates join 10 other Traditional Owners who have been through the RITP.

Citizens of the Reef chief executive Andy Ridley said: “Partnering with The King’s Trust Australia has been a truly rewarding experience. Their commitment to practical training and improving the lives of young people and communities aligns perfectly with the values of Citizens of the Reef and the Reef Cooperative.

"The Get Into Reef Conservation Training Program is a perfect example of how we can work together to create meaningful opportunities for Indigenous youth to engage in reef conservation. Our vision is to create a network of skilled individuals working to protect and conserve the world’s reefs.”

King’s Trust Australia chief executive Michelle Endacott added: "It has been such a pleasure to bring this collaborative program to life, developed by The King's Trust Australia and the Reef Cooperative, both of which are doing great work in coral conservation on the Great Barrier Reef.

"Having our organisation help nurture the skills and talents of young Indigenous leaders so they can protect their Sea Country for generations to come has been truly rewarding. The Get Into Reef Conservation program offers an accessible way to upskill those who will be at the forefront of protecting the iconic Great Barrier Reef."

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