EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Missing fisherman mystery deepens
Newsport unknowingly captured the final moments of the already iconic Cook Highway fisherman on a rock installation on Wednesday afternoon, securing photographs and an exclusive interview with the creation.
Support for Ol Mate Fisherman to stay was overwhelming with 406 of 430 participants - 93 per cent - in Newsport’s snap poll earlier this week voting for the cheeky artwork to stay.
But delight has turned to despair with the fisherman figure disappearing overnight on Wednesday… regular travellers from Douglas Shire to Cairns saying it was last visible at the rocky point around 5km south of Wangetti around 7.30pm.

Earlier that day Newsport’s Bryan Littlely, an investigative journalist and co-founder of missing person’s foundation Leave A Light On Inc, obtained what appears to now be an exclusive interview with the famed fisherman.
Littlely, who has investigated some of Australia’s most baffling cold case crimes including the Beaumont Children and Adelaide Oval abductions in South Australia, and drives publicity for families of missing persons through Leave A Light On Inc, says community shock at the disappearance of Ol Mate Fisherman runs deep.
“There has been an instant show of grief and anger that the already overwhelmingly popular figure has simply vanished,’’ Littlely said.
“We knew little of the figure, his supporters or his reason for being there… only that he brought great joy to hundreds.
“With his disappearance, the mystery and mystique can surely only grow.’’
Community members have reacted on social media also, and are keeping positive:
Coralee Wynne had a hopeful theory of “maybe he’s trying his luck on the reef today as it’s nice and flat? Not enough land based action’’.
“Maybe with all the positive comments he may have been taken away to be made a more permanent structure and returned soon, I hope,’’ wrote Rob West.
Nicola Hood added: “Is anyone else secretly hoping he pops up somewhere else or a ransom note is issued? A bit of fun and adventure….’’
Anger also has had blame unfairly directed at Douglas Shire Council as a likely remover of the installation, described by many as art.
A council spokesperson moved swiftly to provide a guarantee it was not responsible for the removal of the fisherman.
Littlely, as one of the last known people seen with the figure, also has had to defend his actions and movements. But he has a fisherman’s esky-tight alibi.
“I’m a 50-year-old with dodgy knees and a serious shoulder injury who is scared of heights… there’s no way I’d be able to climb up to him,’’ Littlely said.
“And I was supporting local business with a refreshing drink at the Reef Tavern at the time of the disappearance.’’
The fisherman is described as around 180-190cm, a stocky build with a black mullet hairstyle. He was wearing a weathered blue cap, black motorcycle jacket with red trim highlights and blue denim jeans.
Any information on the whereabouts of Ol Mate Fisherman can be posted to Newsport’s Facebook page or anonymously to editor@newsport.com.au
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