Multi-million dollar disaster centre on council wish list

Federal Election

Contributor Article

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Douglas Shire Council has put a disaster coordination centre at the top of its Federal Election wish list. Picture: DSC Collection

Douglas Shire Council is advocating for a Disaster Coordination,  Community Recovery and Resilience Centre in the lead-up to this year’s federal election. 

Beyond its role in direct disaster activities, the multi-purpose centre will  offer a safe place to access services during and after a disaster. 

It will host training and education programs for local government, emergency and service providers, volunteers, and the community.

Additionally, it will serve as a safe and accessible gathering point for community engagement, information sharing, skills development, and  collaboration in disaster recovery and resilience-building activities. 

Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said the Douglas Shire was one of the most disaster-prone regions in Australia and it urgently required a centre, purpose-built to provide coordinated support during and after cyclones, flooding and other crises. 

“The impacts of Tropical Cyclone Jasper highlighted many deficiencies and vulnerabilities, severely disrupting disaster-management efforts,” Mayor Scomazzon said.

“Disaster coordination efforts were conducted from the Douglas Shire Council Chambers at Mossman - a facility with structural disaster-management weaknesses, inadequate space, inadequate communications and power continuity, minimal self-sustainment, and with no community-accessible facilities for recovery and resilience-building activities. 

“Establishing the Douglas Shire Disaster Coordination, Community  Recovery, and Resilience Centre is a critical investment in ensuring faster, more effective disaster response, reducing economic and social disruption, and strengthening community resilience. 

“It would also have the capability to serve as a primary backup site for neighbouring councils during a disaster.” 

The council continues to advocate for improved disaster recovery and resilience services and has started negotiating with local MPs  and other election candidates. 

“A Douglas Shire Disaster Coordination, Community Recovery and  Resilience Centre funding commitment would highlight the major parties have a genuine care for our community and a focus on disaster preparedness, recovery and resilience.”


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