YEAR 12 FORMAL: Mossman High students celebrate in style


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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Neesha Bayne & Nikita Farraway. Picture: taken by Mossman State High School students

With only a few weeks until final exams begin, the Mossman State High School class of 2024 came together to celebrate their High School journeys. The senior class have spent months preparing, all in anticipation for the big night; a formal dinner held at the Pullman Sea Temple.

The senior formal is an event held annually for year 12 students to dress up, dance, and celebrate all that they have achieved throughout High School.

Newsport spoke with Amy Hardy, a year 12 student who played a major role in the planning and execution of the event. She gave details of the night itself and outlined it’s significance to the students.

“The formal was a beautiful event! It’s been a long process getting this all planned but I’m sure a lot of us will cherish the experience for a long time to come," she said.

Since nearly the start of the year, Amy worked alongside teachers and other students to organise the formal, from long meetings to last minute deadlines. A lot of effort has gone into the special night, that holds such great importance to the year 12 students.

“For many the formal is the pinnacle of our final year of High School,” Amy said. “It is a time to appreciate our friendships and all the effort ourselves, and our teachers have put into our education over the past six years."

Overall, it can be said that the photos speak for themselves in proving the events success. Now as the class of 2024 begin their final push towards graduation, they can look back on an amazing night.



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