Wonga Beach 13-year old hero recognised for conservation work


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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Tyler at the 2022 annual tree planting Image Credits: Therese Maloney

Tyler Smith (13), a local from Wonga Beach has recently been recognised for his commitment and contributions to protecting our region's environment after being awarded the Young Cassowary Award. 

The award is a prestigious recognition for school-aged people who take part in important environmental work.

Since he was five years old Tyler has taken part in the annual tree planting hosted by Rainforest Rescue to help regenerate rainforest in the Daintree area. 

Tyler went on to become a very active member of the community helping at events and being chosen as School Captain in his final year of primary school. 

His commitment to helping out in our region was first recognised during his transition to High School when he was awarded the Community Engagement Scholarship.

Therese Maloney, Tyler’s mother, spoke with Newsport about her son’s efforts in our area and his reaction to receiving the Young Cassowary Award.

“Tyler is a good person… He enjoys being a part of the community,” Ms Maloney said. “Engaging in this way is something he enjoys doing.”

The purpose of the Young Cassowary Award is to empower future generations. It is held high by the Wet Tropics Management Authority who grant the awards.

Although Tyler is now going through High School, his passion for volunteering is no less. He will continue to contribute to our region and be an example to young people everywhere.

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