Unexploded ordnance at Lower Daintree


Jules Foxlee


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Queensland Police responded to a Marine Location Marker at the Daintree River and safely disposed of an Unexploded Ordnance with no threat to the community. Picture: Stock image

Queensland Police responded to a report of Marine Location Marker (MLM) located at the Daintree River yesterday, September 9 at around 2.10 pm.

The “Lower Daintree” area was secured, and Defence personnel were called to assess the Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) at the scene.

“The UXO was disposed of on-site using routine measures this afternoon, September 10, and there is no threat to the community,” a Queensland police spokesperson said.

MLM are smoke-and-flame pyrotechnics used for sea-surface reference-point marking. Some MLM also emit fluorescent dye.

Deployed from planes, helicopters or ships, MLM are used in anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue operations, man overboard incidents, and navigation.

MLM resemble silver canisters and are around 47 cm long and 8 cm wide. They contain phosphorous, a compound which can cause severe burns and start fires. Washed up MLM may not be completely burned out and can potentially reignite. If you see an MLM, DO NOT TOUCH IT and call the police immediately.

Queensland Police were not able to provide MLM wash up statistics however there have been at least two incidences of them washing up on Queensland and Victorian beaches over the years.


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