Tourism Port Douglas Daintree introduces new team with bold aspirations


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From left to right: Helyna Farrow (TPDD Administration Professional), Emma Tunnock (TPDD Executive Officer), Nikki Cooney (TPDD Social Media Content Manager), Clare Anderson (Wildlife Habitat GM), Trent Berry (Wildlife Habitat Sales Executive), Michela Scacchi (TPDD Marketing and Partnership Executive). Picture: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree

Swimming with crocs, hanging with birds, and witnessing a koala romance fit for a David Attenborough documentary, the Tourism Port Douglas Daintree member event had it all - marking Emma Tunnock's first event as the new Executive Officer.

Members and funding partners gathered for a memorable occasion during which Ms. Tunnock presented the newly formed TPDD team and discussed the critical role tourism plays in the region's economy and community well-being.

Tourism is the backbone of the region, generating $742 million in economic output, including $580 million in direct spending, and supporting over 3,000 jobs.

“The new team has hit the ground running, advocating to government and peak bodies in Brisbane on key issues affecting our industry,” Ms Tunnock stated. 

“We are focused on developing a comprehensive framework for the value of tourism, meeting with Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) executives to discuss regional priorities, and collaborating with Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) on essential summer campaigns.”

The team's ambitious agenda includes planning a disaster preparedness workshop, creating opportunities for international trade access, moving offices, launching marketing campaigns, and representing the region at events such as Australia Next, alongside business events partners to secure business and incentive events.

“As we move forward with our new team, we're committed to thinking big and delivering exceptional marketing programs while facilitating important outcomes for the industry,” Ms

Tunnock added. 

“Our focus will be on attracting high-value visitors, addressing seasonality, and promoting sustainable growth through responsible and immersive tourism.”

With a clear purpose, TPDD aims to support the beloved region by fostering a thriving economy while maintaining deep respect for the environment.

“We are excited about the future and look forward to collaborating with a wonderful network of partners and tourism professionals to build the next chapter,” Ms Tunnock concluded.

The Local Team:

  • Emma Tunnock, Executive Officer
  • Michela Scacchi, Marketing and Partnership Executive
  • Nikki Cooney, Socialeyes, Social Media Content Manager
  • Mark Cox, Freelance Digital Media Specialist and Strategist
  • Amy Daher, Freelance Content Producer
  • Helyna Farrow, Administration Professional and Freelancer

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