Miallo State School recognised a state education Showcase


Jules Foxlee


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(L-R) Minister for Education Di Farmer MP, Dr Anet Ridley, Miallo State School Principal Dr Anet Ridley, Queensland Teachers’ Union Acting Vice President Josh Cleary, Credit: Department of Education

Miallo State School was recognised at this year’s state education Showcase for the personalised support it provides to students.

The annual Showcase celebrates equity and excellence across state education.

10 Queensland state schools, across six categories, will receive a combined $200,000 in bursaries as part of the 2024 Showcase which took place in Brisbane on September 6.

Miallo State School, located just north of Mossman on the land of the Kuku Yalanji people, was one of two winners of the ‘Every Child Needs a Champion’ category dedicated to realising the potential of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

The school was recognised for the way in which it supports the diverse learning and social-emotional needs of students and adjusts their learning environment to address those needs through case management to support academic success and well-being, assistive technologies, additional support staff time and individualised spaces, programs and activities.

Miallo State School Principal Dr Anet Ridley said the school was humbled and honoured to be recognised at Showcase and receive the $20,000 bursary.

“We are very proud of the work we do to support our students and know that our school is special.The bursary will be used to document our work to support other schools - there are a lot of moving parts and a great deal of staff expertise to capture,” she said.

Miallo State School is no stranger to awards. Considered a leader in the field of explicit teaching – breaking down tasks into small steps and supporting students to master each step until they can do the task independently – it has twice won the Network Ten Excellence in the Early Phase of Learning Showcase Award for the FNQ region.

Education Minister Di Farmer said the annual Showcase was designed to celebrate state schools, share examples of best practice to enhance inter-school collaboration and improve the lives of young people.

“I’m proud to highlight the innovative work being done in state schools right across Queensland and the Showcase is a fantastic opportunity, not only to celebrate best practice, but to share it across Queensland,” Ms Farmer said.

“Congratulations to all schools who were showcased this year, as well as each and every state school for their ongoing efforts to work together to give every Queensland student the best possible education.”

The bursaries can be used by schools to document and share their innovative leadership practices or for school improvement initiatives.

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