Local ladies take claim of their safety


Jeremy Lebeuf

Feature Writer

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A huge turnout of local women participated in the self-defence workshop held by a guest instructor Corin Teague. Picture: It’s My Time Fitness.

Everyone deserves to have the tools needed to feel safe. This was evident when a surge of local ladies punched into Mossman Showgrounds to learn the ropes of self-defence.

As Australia grapples with a crisis of violence against women, It’s My Time Fitness saw an overwhelming enrolment when the gym hosted a self-defence workshop with martial arts instructor Corin Teague.

The workshop empowered them with essential self-protection skills, encompassing both physical methods and psychological aspects making a massive mindset change. 

Kaz Stanaway, club secretary for Its My Time Fitness said they were proud to facilitate such an important training event for women in the community and hope to offer other valuable workshops in the future.

“We had women of all backgrounds and ages ranging from 12 to over 80, there were even three generations from one family that attended together,” she said. 

“It was highly successful, imparting valuable skills and methods of self-protection.”

Corin Teague, an approachable and experienced instructor, clearly dedicated significant effort to balancing practical tips and training with guided advice for verbal communication to de-escalate situations.

The group addressed different scenarios such as knife attacks, attacks when jogging, rope bindings, and other ways to defend yourself.  

Ms Stanaway explained, “He told us that most attacks on men are by strangers, while most attacks on women are by someone they know. This highlights the significant issue of domestic violence in our community and across Australia.”

This is supported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics stating the number of victims of assault recorded in Queensland increased by 12 percent from the previous year in 2023. 

With less than 30 percent of assaults being perpetrated by a stranger in Queensland, most assaults were committed by known persons and family members, most frequently occurring at home.

Participants left the workshop feeling supported and empowered, which is the exact outcome one would hope to experience.

It’s My Time Fitness

In a region that loves workouts and wellness, "It’s My Time Fitness" stands out by staying true to their values to encourage health and fitness in the community, accessible, and at low cost.  

This non-profit club is managed by a committee of five dedicated volunteers who inspire one another and promote camaraderie and consistency, fueling their vibrant fitness community.

Ms Stanaway shared that the club started 15 years ago as a women's fitness group aimed at providing a comfortable, supportive space for all fitness levels.

“Due to demand, we expanded a few years ago to include classes for both women and men. We focus on functional fitness and have basic equipment like hand weights in a welcoming environment.”

Located at Mossman Showgrounds, the club offers a pleasant space to exercise and connect. With 50 members from various backgrounds, it hosts group fitness classes and outdoor events, including tailored programs for seniors. 

Their diverse class menu features Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and Pilates, with the next event being Babinda Kayaking in October.

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