An ode to Eric Pitt, the beloved face of Mossman High School


Jamie Jansen


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Eric Pitt with second great grandchild Ayla. Picture: Supplied by the Pitt family

Eric Pitt, renowned for his warm greetings at the entrance of Mossman High School, sadly passed away at 82, leaving a profound impact on the community.

In 2013, the school invited a local Elder to welcome students, fostering reconciliation and strengthening community ties. Eric, a former bus driver and longtime resident, volunteered for this meaningful role, quickly becoming a beloved figure known for his cheeky personality and engaging spirit.

He built strong connections with students, greeting some with fist bumps and affectionately referred to as ‘Yabba’, while others leaned in for bear hugs. Eric made a conscious effort to get to know each student's family, and his remarkable compassion and humour endeared him to many, making him warm and approachable.

With a knack for friendly banter, he often teased students about their haircuts and odd socks, sharing private jokes in a lighthearted manner that was uniquely his own. He playfully ribbed those who arrived with AFL or soccer balls, reminding them that they were supporting the “wrong code”, given his passion for rugby league as a dedicated enthusiast and former professional player.

Students respectfully called him Mr Pitt and was affectionately known as Uncle Eric. Every year, as Christmas approached, he would come to school with a stack of Christmas cards for the students, who were always deeply touched to receive them.

When Eric stopped appearing at the gate in June 2024, many reached out to his family with concern for his health. His rare absence prompted students to ask, “Is Uncle Eric okay?” After one lengthy absence due to illness, Eric was deeply moved when two brothers called his family to inquire about him, and in gratitude, he brought in a pair of premiership glasses to show his appreciation.

Eric was a wonderful presence, a big man with an even bigger heart, who will undoubtedly leave a significant void in the community. The impact he had on countless children is immeasurable; he genuinely cared for everyone who crossed his path and proudly shared stories about his family.

His conversations were often filled with details about his beloved wife, Jan, as well as his children, grandchildren, and, more recently, his great-grandchildren. His spirit will forever live on through them.

Eric was a wonderful presence, a big man with an even bigger heart, who will undoubtedly leave a significant void in the community.

At his funeral, students and teachers formed a guard of honour, reflecting just how much he was missed. Eric will be deeply missed at the high school, but the spot just inside the front gate will always be reserved for Uncle Eric.