Poseidon sets course for ultimate ecotourism adventures


Bryan Littlely


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Poseidon underway for a high-end ecotourism experience. Picture: Quicksilver Group

The Quicksilver Group has relaunched an exciting adventure ecotourism product with a twist, targeted at small groups of experienced divers and snorkellers offering access to exclusive remote reef sites, expert marine interpretation and citizen science.

Fresh from a $1.1 million refit, the 24 metre dive and snorkel catamaran Poseidon provides the ideal platform for this exciting ecotourism product, having just undergone a mechanical refit with two new generation sustainable fuel compliant engines.

Quicksilver Group Managing Director, Tony Baker said, “This investment and premium product will address a gap in the market for a high level Great Barrier Reef interpretive experience for visitors to our region, in particular for more experienced divers and those seeking to actively engage in conservation initiatives while enjoying an incredible Great Barrier Reef adventure.”

Operating from Port Douglas, the day trip visits three different reef sites from an exclusive, remote group of Agincourt ribbon reef sites at the edge of Australia’s Continental Shelf. The clear outer reef waters, remarkable coral and marine life diversity offer some of the best possible day boat diving and snorkelling experiences.

Passenger numbers will be capped at 65 with a high staff ratio including qualified marine biologists for a personalised, immersive experience.

With experienced divers in mind, an additional dive tender which can carry up to ten people will be used for drift diving and guided marine interpretation snorkel tours. For next-level personalisation, private guided dives are also available.

Quicksilver’s marine biologists will join guests at each site and offer interpretation as they snorkel over the amazing coral gardens of the Agincourt reefs. Passengers will also have the opportunity to observe and participate in a monitoring survey, the Eye on the Reef Rapid Monitoring, a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority initiative.

Mr Baker said bringing in a citizen science component, passengers will be able to assist our Reef Biosearch biologist in counting an assortment of marine life during a timed swim and then watch as the biologist conducts a benthic survey.

As well as Poseidon’s new generation engines, a new generator is expected to further reduce emissions, with the added bonus of facilitating an onboard hot water system for freshwater showers after a salty day.

The operation has also invested in all new premium dive and snorkel equipment above industry standard.

Poseidon has been repowered with two Rolls-Royce mtu 8V2000 series commercial marine engines supplied by Penske Australia. These engines have received a clean fuel certification for HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) and other EN15940 fuels (synthetically produced diesel fuels) which have demonstrated up to 90 per cent CO2 emissions reduction.

The engine refit was a huge project and a collaboration with Quicksilver’s Engineering Team, Penske Australia and local marine contractors.

“With our previous investment in retrofitting wave piercing catamarans Quicksilver V and Quicksilver VIII with sustainable fuel engines (mtu 16V2000M72), our fleet will be ready to lead the way with these environmentally-friendly, sustainable fuels when the HVO fuel becomes commercially available in Australia,” Mr Baker said.

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