Palm Cove jetty upgrade: A boost for tourism or just another promise?


Giada Pestillo


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Promises have been made for upgrades to the Palm Cove Jetty. Picture: Ross Palm

The Palm Cove community is once again hopeful for the long-awaited upgrades to the Palm Cove Jetty, with promises from the Queensland Government that construction could begin soon.

Discussions dating back to late 2023 have focused on making the jetty fully functional again by adding a wave break to ensure safe mooring for boats, a move that could enhance local tourism and boost the economy. But is this just another election promise?

During a meeting with Michael Healy it became clear that the jetty's main structure is still functional. However, its usage has been severely limited due to strong south-easterly winds that have plagued larger vessels trying to dock. The solution? A protective wave break that would allow boats to moor safely and create opportunities for cruise ships to anchor off Double Island and tender passengers to Palm Cove.

Robert Van Den Hoven, President of Advance Palm Cove, has been a vocal advocate for the project.

“The feasibility study was supposed to be completed by mid-2024, and we were told that work could begin immediately after. The community has been waiting for years to see this project come to life,” he said.

The feasibility study, which was promised to be ready by mid-2024, included a thorough assessment of environmental, cultural heritage, and navigational concerns. Several options for the wave break have been considered, including a 350-meter offshore breakwater, a heavy-duty pontoon, or a floating wave screen.

The jetty, initially built in the 1980s to position Palm Cove as a tourist destination, became non-functional by the late 2000s due to these very wave issues. The potential upgrade would not only revitalise the area for recreational boaters but also support emergency services and tourism operators.

While the community remains hopeful, some skepticism lingers as locals await tangible action.

“We've heard these promises before, but we’re cautiously optimistic this time. Let’s hope it's not just another election pledge,” added Mr Van Den Hoven.

As the government signals readiness to begin the project, Palm Cove residents are watching closely, hoping that their iconic jetty will soon return to its former glory.

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