Lucky find means lost wedding ring goes full circle

Amazing Discovery

Bryan Littlely


Last updated:
Max and Ineke Stoker with the Gray family who found Max's lost wedding band while snorkelling. Picture: Max Stoker

Popular Port Douglas couple Max and Ineke Stoker have had one of their most precious belongings returned to them, thanks to a stroke of luck and the honesty and efforts of a Canberra family holidaying in the region last week.

After 43 years of wearing it, Max lost his wedding ring in January while snorkelling off the Low Isle out from Four Mile Beach. The mobile vet was certain the ring, engraved with his wife’s name and the date they married, was gone forever.

That was until friends in the region recognised the name “Ineke” in a Facebook post on the Port Douglas and Mossman Notice Board and alerted Max to the fact the Gray Family had a gold wedding band that likely belonged to them.

“We had a number of people let us know that we might want to look at the Facebook post,’’ Max said.

“Ineke, with an unusual name, is fairly well known around the town and people thought it was likely this was something we had lost.

“The two young girls, Alison and Mackenzie, were snorkelling with their parents on a tour and one saw something shiny under her flipper and went down and had a look,’’ Max said.

“I think it is remarkable that it has been found. It has been nine months. I obviously knew I had lost it… just how it came off I’m not sure but I knew it came off when I was snorkelling or when I was taking off my stinger suit back in January.’’

The finders thought it a “long shot” that they would find the owner of the ring, but the Port Douglas community was quick into action to have Max reunited with what he described as “a fairly precious object to us’’.

While Max and Ineke made arrangements with the Gray family to meet and confirm their ownership of the ring, the finders keeping secret the date engraved on the ring along with Ineke’s name to determine the rightful owner, dozens of Douglas Shire locals have enjoyed the story on social media.

“I’m so glad you got it back Max and Ineke. What a one in a million chance!!!’’ commented Jessie Goetze.

Alison Erdos added: “OMG unbelievable. So happy this found its way back to you xx.’’

And Marty Teare commented: “Well done. This is what our beautiful community is all about.’’

Jenny Gray, who made the post on Facebook after her daughter had found the ring couldn't be contacted by Newsport, but she expressed her thanks to the community on Facebook for helping to find the owner of the ring.

"Thanks so much everyone! What a fantastic community you have up here,'' she said, adding: "Appears we have found the owner.''


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