Local legends Wayne and Tish Sheridan close doors on iconic marina shop after 20 years


Jamie Jansen


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Local couple Wayne and Tish Sheridan close beloved reef-supplies shop after 20 years for retirement. Picture: Newsport

After two decades of operation, Wayne and Tish Sheridan, a beloved local couple, have announced the closure of their cherished reef-supplies shop, Sheridan’s, at the Port Douglas Crystal Brook Marina.

Having enjoyed the bustling atmosphere of their shop - a popular spot for all things needed for a day on the Great Barrier Reef - Wayne and Tish have decided to bid farewell and embrace their leisure time.

Their retirement, delayed by 20 years, highlights Wayne and Tish’s active and restless nature. Despite intending to retire when they relocated from Sydney to Port Douglas two decades ago, they opted to open the shop at the marina instead.

Reflecting on their journey, Wayne fondly recalls memorable moments like the surprise visit from Hollywood actor Tom Hanks and his son during a movie shoot in town. Despite jokingly offering Hanks a job, the actor politely declined.

Married for 57 years, Wayne and Tish claim their marriage has never been boring, journeying through life together by operating a thriving shop in Sydney for three decades before moving to Port Douglas.

Reflecting on their past, Tish fondly reminisces, “We’ve had a blast. Selling BMX bikes and roller skates, with an indoor skateboard ramp and a DJ booth, was such fun. We've always preferred the company of kids over our own age group, it’s just more lively!”

Wayne attributed much of their success to their dynamic partnership. “I’ve always had creative ideas, and my wife brings them to life,” he shared. Tish added, “We’ve really had so much fun with everything we did in our lives”.

It’s no surprise that their future plans are anything but boring. As they sold their house in Oaks Beach, the couple intends to return to Sydney for a while, staying with their daughter, before embarking on an extensive trip across Europe.

Wayne, who previously explored Europe solo on his motorbike, eagerly anticipates sharing this adventure with Tish. “Finally, we have the time and freedom. I can’t wait,” he expressed.

He humorously added, “I always say I have no bucket list, I have an industrial waste container. But my daughter insists we travel now before it’s too late. In reality, we only have 10 years left to enjoy life, so let’s make the most of it. The world is our oyster.”

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