HOUSING CRISIS: More options like Dougies and a proper planning strategy around immediate solutions the answer: Newsport readers


Michael Warren


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Newsport readers believe two key solutions are a start to assist the Douglas Shire housing crisis. Screenshot: Newsport

Local residents and Newsport readers believe two key solutions could go a long way to alleviating the ongoing Douglas Shire accommodation crisis that continues to see many still fighting to put a roof over their head at night.

Just days ago a Newsport poll reached its conclusion and the results were stark – Local residents believe more construction and better planning are two immediate answers to the critical Douglas Shire issue.

Two solutions in the poll both returned 40 votes, or 27% each and they were to: build more accommodation outlets in the Shire like Dougies that can house large volumes of residents and secondly:

Have Douglas Shire Council commit to a proper planning strategy that outlines and details how it plans to find immediate solutions to this issue.

In one recent positive development Council approved a subdivision proposal which will see 33 homes built on Mitre Street at Craiglie.

An exclusive interview published on Newsport just yesterday with high profile State Shadow Minister Deb Freckling, weighed in and discussed the Shire’s accommodation crisis in depth.

“The housing crisis is one of the biggest issues across Queensland right now,” Ms Frecklington told Newsport.

“A key solution is creating supply and being able to create accommodation options where they are needed the most.

“People aren’t taking jobs in places like the Douglas Shire because they can’t find anywhere to live.

“We need to work with Councils in and around supply – that is key.”

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