BILL ALLISON: Kempton reaction, shade sails, boat ramp safety and when you win, you lose!


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Mossman High School recently underwent a mock accident scenario day that focused on driver safety. Picture: Bill Allison

Douglas Shire boat ramp safety

A lot of money each year is given to Council by the State government to maintain boat ramps. Can Douglas Shire Council please have a cleaning program so as to make the boat ramps safer?  I know of a number of people who have slipped and fallen on these ramps, when launching their boats.

David Kempton interview reaction 

I see David Kempton is the LNP candidate for Cook, what happened to Michael Kerr?

A lot of people thought he would have been the candidate, isn’t that why he never ran as mayor? I saw the interview with David Kempton on Newsport, where he said he wouldn’t make any promises, other than to move the electoral office back to Mareeba.

The Cook electoral office has always been in Cairns, as is the Leichhardt electoral office, except when he had it moved to Mareeba.

This was done at huge expense and then moved back again, because the only people who wanted it in Mareeba, were Mareeba residents.

This might get him some votes in Mareeba but what a waste of taxpayers money. There are bigger priorities here, than moving offices around, fixing our water infrastructure would be a good start.

Shade sails failure

Still no shade sails at all the Children’s playground and it’s heading into June. They were promised to be put back up in April, how much longer do we have to wait? Is it that hard? By the time they’re put up, it’ll be cyclone season again. Come on guys, get the job done.

Emergency Services in action

Last week I had an opportunity to watch the emergency service put their skills to the test at the Mossman high school. The kids did a great job in their acting and a great job was done by their teacher with the makeup, plenty of blood and gore.

Even the rescue helicopter was involved. It’s good to know that if something does happen, we have well trained emergency services to help us, well done guys.

I hope our senior students who watched it, leant from itand, when they get behind the wheel of a car, think about the things that can go wrong and subsequently drive safely. What a great initiative!

Club Mossman

The redevelopment of the Mossman Memorial Bowls club, stage one with the new entry and games room, as well as a cafe lounge, is hoped to be completed in early August, with stage 1a completed by November.

The club will then be called Club Mossman, reflecting that this club is truly a community club, where bowls are played. The club will still trade as the Mossman Memorial Bowls club and for many people, they’ll still call it the Bowlo, Bowls Club, or BC. Hey, they still have those $5 Hahn $3.50 schooners, so call it what you want!

Heard around the traps - Even when you lose, you win

A Port Douglas local, who’s known to like a bet on the horses, thought he’d had a big win, when the horse, that he has a small share in, won.

He very generously shouted everyone drinks to celebrate his win. Soon after he bought the drinks, he realised he hadn’t had the size bet he thought he had.

So instead of picking up around $1000, he only picked up around $100, and the drinks cost him around $120.

So even when you win, sometimes you lose. Head in his hands, he said, "my wife reckons I’m an idiot". He may have lost on the day, but he and everyone else had a good laugh. I hear he only told his wife about the win.

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