WATER UPDATE: After six painful months and countless setbacks…Removal of level three, entire DSC water restrictions hinge on key pipeline project


Michael Warren


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Douglas Shire Council says the completion of a key pipeline project will go along way to alleviating current water restrictions in the Douglas Shire. Picture: DSC

The enduring legacy of Cyclone Jasper - the catastrophic failure, poor state and exposing of Douglas Shire’s water supply has meant Douglas Shire residents have had no choice but to endure, tolerate and put up with a second-rate network for the best part of half a year.

Six months on last December’s double natural disaster proved one thing - Douglas Shire’s abysmal water security network was both aged and had been seriously neglected for way too long.

At times this year Douglas Shire residents and tourists were forced to drink water from bottles and limit shower times due to constant interruptions, failures and setbacks to our water supply.

Some restaurants and cafes earlier in the year were frustratingly forced to close and cease trading due to our water supply simply being turned off.

On top of that, not forgetting, Douglas Shire residents have been on strict water restrictions now for six months.

In recent times, Douglas Shire Council reduced the level from four to three – but it still begs the question; when, if ever, will residents be able to fully do away with water restrictions?

Afterall, the failure of the Douglas Shire water network over the past six months isn’t the direct fault of local residents who due fully pay their rates, and expect, at the very least to have a reliable, dependable, first-rate water supply.

Newsport sought the latest update from Council about the ongoing water situation, restrictions in the Shire.

“Council is in the final stages of a pipe replacement project which will see water flow directly from the Mossman treatment plant into the Crees Road reservoir - the main water supply for Port Douglas,” Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon told Newsport.

“Once the project is complete, Port Douglas’ water security will be improved and Council will consider a relaxation of the shire’s water restrictions.

“The recent replacement of filters at Mossman and Whyanbeel treatment plants have improved production rates and this will also be considered when making a decision on water restrictions.”

Newsport pressed Council further about on when specifically complete restrictions would be lifted in the Shire.

“Once the new pipe is feeding water directly into the Crees Road reservoir, Council will regularly assess water usage and reservoir levels, with the eventual aim of removing water restrictions altogether,” Cr Scomazzon said.

“A total lifting of water restrictions would be reliant on favourable weather conditions and no unforeseen setbacks to the network.”

Newsport questioned if Council conceded that it remains a continual, bad look for the Shire to be on level three water restrictions six months after Jasper and the Mossman floods.

“Since Jasper, Council has been working continuously to upgrade its water network and maintain high supplies in the shire’s reservoirs,” Cr Scomazzon explained.  

“Council has taken a careful approach to water usage while repairs have been completed and it is pleased the community has followed water conservation measures during this time.”





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