Treasured Warri Park Port Douglas crocodile declared ‘problem croc’, targeted for removal, its 'size, location, risk to community' - DESI


Michael Warren


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A trap has been set to capture this crocodile in the Warri Park wetlands in Port Douglas. Picture: Submitted

A Douglas Shire saltwater crocodile that has called the waters of a local wetlands home for more than two years looks set for uncertain future with his days now appearing numbered after a trap was set in a direct bid to capture the animal.

The crocodile has become a favourite over the past few years and is regularly seen cruising Warri Park waters or basking on a bank in the two-hectare park.

Any potential crocodile capture or removal is always a contentious issue in the Douglas Shire and the impending relocation, or in the worst case the immediate euthanization of the animal, is no different.

Douglas Shire residents flocked to social media soon after learning the trap is now in place to snare the crocodile.

Just heartbreaking mate the war on this native animal. And when they kill this one, they’ll soon to have to kill the next. What a waste of tax payers money in this day and age. Especially in an area with two world heritage sites famous for its wildlife. We can coexist.” – David White – Local crocodile expert

Why?? Leave it be.”Kim

Absolutely disgusting this is not right. Leave it alone.” – Pauline

Yeah having lived with them in the wild humans need culling, not crocodiles.” – Gary

Leave him, we are in his environment.” – Siobhan

Newsport reached out to the Department of Environment, Science (DESI) and Innovation and obtained this exclusive response about the matter.

“An estimated two-metre crocodile that has been seen basking on pond banks in the suburb of Warri Park in Port Douglas has been declared a problem crocodile and is being targeted for removal from this location,” a DESI spokesperson told Newsport.

“Wildlife officers from the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) set a floating trap on June 11 in response to a crocodile sighting report.

“Residents have reported that the crocodile has been observed in the ponds in Warri Park for some time and is basking on the banks near walking tracks, which are used by families and children.

“Following the sighting report, wildlife officers conducted an investigation and determined that due to the crocodile’s size and location, it represented a risk to the community.

“This is a timely reminder for people in the Port Douglas area that they are in Croc Country.”

  • What do you think? Should this specific crocodile be removed? Do you consider it a risk to public safety? Tell us in the comments section of this story or head to our Facebook page to give us your thoughts.





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