LETTER TO ED: Newsport reader backs budget comment piece, questions State Government's genuine investment in Douglas Shire


Contributor Article

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A Newsport reader has thrown his support behind a recent editor comment piece that highlighted a lack of support for the Douglas Shire following the recent State Budget announcements. Picture: Newsport

Dear Editor,

I thought you were spot on with your State budget comment piece published on Newsport last Wednesday, June 12.

(It's) hard to conceive of how we in Douglas Shire can push for greater consideration, I suppose our votes don't count for much because of our relatively small numbers and we seem to have an ineffectual State MP.

Hopefully the (upcoming) State election may bring some change, but we've still got the problem of getting the $$ directed this way even with a State Government of a different political persuasion, who are going to be saddled with this budget and the current state of affairs of the State's finances.

Keep up your good work!


Vic Ranzetta, Port Douglas



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