LETTER TO ED: Mossman business pens heartfelt special Letter-to-Ed, details battle post flood, thanks Warren Entsch, re-confirms opening hours


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Mossman Print is just one Douglas Shire business that continues to bounce back following Jasper and the Mossman floods. Picture: Supplied

Dear Editor,

As a local business in the Douglas Shire I wanted to update Newsport readers and our lovely customers about our shop, Mossman Print.

As we all remember Cyclone Jasper rolled into town in mid December last year and kidded us into thinking that it was just another false alarm. 

However the town of Mossman has since wondered what on earth it did to be deserve the devastation it had to endure when cyclonic rains of biblical proportions hit its main street just 24 hours later and didn’t cease for over a week. 

The stormwater wreaked unimaginable havoc on the town and in our case, drenched all our printers, stock, computers and shop fittings.

Our family was just one of the many Mossman families who suffered unprecedented destruction to their businesses as the water poured in the doors unrelentingly for the next five days compounded over the next five months with ensuing access to insurance companies and government bureaucracy seemingly impenetrable.

One shudders to think what would have happened, or perhaps it should be what would not have happened had our Federal champion Warren Entsch MP not stepped up to the plate and thundered his way through the administrative halls of the mighty insurance world and demanded action to alleviate the mental and physical suffering of the army of helpless victims of this natural disaster - the likes of which had not been seen locally for over a century…

Naturally I can only speak for my own family but it is difficult to put into words our sincere gratitude to Warren and his team for their unwavering efforts and unrelenting battles against an indomitable foe who, even with the assistance of independent experts, struggled to distinguish the difference between stormwater and flood damage… I’m not sure there is one!    

However the positive result is that at the beginning of June 2024 Mossman Print has reopened it’s doors to welcome our wonderfully supportive community that seem to be as pleased we’re back - as we are.

We look forward to seeing everyone again as we play catch up with the mass of back orders that our customers have so patiently waited for us to get on the production line again.

What an experience, hopefully never again.

Thanks to everyone!

Current trading hours 

  • Monday 9am to 5pm
  • Tuesday 9am to 5pm
  • Wednesday 9am to 12noon
  • Thursday 9am to 5pm
  • Friday 9am to 5pm

Warmest Regards,

Roy, Annie, Neil and Sally Weavers

  • If you're a business in the Douglas Shire that has been in a similar position to that of Mossman Print post Jasper and the Mossman floods and you've just re-opened your doors or are in the process of doing so, drop us an email tell us your story and we'll happily publish your message as a letter to the editor, or we'll endeavour to do a follow up story. Feel free to get in touch: [email protected]


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