Heff’s Legacy: 20 years of expertise and passion in Australian fishing media


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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Lynton Heffer fishing. Picture: Lynton Heffer

Fishing is a passion that many locals in our area share, but few can match the love and dedication that local writer and business owner Lynton Heffer brings to the table.

Mr Heffer has recently been recognised by Queensland Fishing Monthly Magazine for the 20 years he has contributed through his writing and his dedication to the fishing industry in our region.

In 1999 Mr Heffer began his very own fishing magazine ‘Line Burner FNQ’ and has since made it big in the media world reporting for ABC Fishtalk FNQ, Douglas FM radio and Fab FM;

He also is a fishing columnist for Newsport.

Mr Heffer has even gone on to produce his own 10 part TV series ‘Line Burner’ in 2014 which showcased our area and the fishing it has to offer. The most impressive achievement though is definitely the recent recognition Mr Heffer has received for 20 years of writing for Australia’s largest fishing magazine.

“Writing about fishing is my passion, I always want people to enjoy what I write. Especially when it highlights our beautiful part of the world," Heff remarked.

Mr Heffer told Newsport that over the years, the biggest fish he’s ever seen caught is a 1200 pound Marlin, almost 400 pounds heavier than his biggest catch, which still exceeded the 800 pounds mark.

Despite these amazing feats there is one elusive fish Mr Heffer is yet to catch.

“The one fish I’ve never had the chance to catch is a Sailfish… So that would be number one on my list,” Mr Heffer told Newsport.

Mr Heffer has fished all over Australia though he adamantly believes that our part of Far North Queensland showcases the best fisheries in the world and that is why he chooses to live here and promote the region through his writing and through his business ‘Fishing Port Douglas’.

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