First-ever scarecrow competition takes flight in Douglas Shire, inviting everyone to join


Jamie Jansen


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Led by Tanya Morris from the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, who has already made her own scarecrow, the competition invites residents to display their creativity. Picture: Tanya Morris

Today marks the start of a fun and exciting competition in the Douglas Shire that will have neighbours talking and crows thinking twice; the first-ever Douglas Shire Scarecrow Competition

Spearheaded by Tanya Morris from the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, this unique event invites residents to showcase their artistic talents by crafting imaginative scarecrows visible from the streets of Douglas Shire.

Ms Morris explained that she initiated the event to bring neighbours closer together and inject a sense of fun into the community. 

“We wanted to create something that not only entertains but also fosters connections between residents,” she shared. “You can unleash your creativity and find materials at the NicNak shed to bring your scarecrow to life.”

The competition involves Port Douglas State School children in the butterfly project by allowing them to select their favourite scarecrow, which will be displayed in the Community Butterfly Garden at the Neighbourhood Centre.

Participants are encouraged to let their creativity soar as they build scarecrows in their yards, ensuring they catch the eye of passersby and fellow competitors alike. 

To enter, residents simply need to take a photo of their scarecrow creation and submit it by 13th July to Tanya Morris at [email protected] .

The competition features multiple categories to cater to diverse interests and locations, including awards for:

  • Best Home/Individual Scarecrow: Prize includes a personalised Scarecrow Trophy.
  • People’s Choice: Prize of a $100 voucher (details to be announced).
  • Best Business Scarecrow: Prize includes recognition and a special certificate.
  • Best School Scarecrow: Prize includes recognition and a special certificate.

During the voting week, from July 12th to July 19th, community members can vote for their favourite scarecrows through a poll on Newsport. The winners will be announced on July 23rd.

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