EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Car fully ablaze, engulfed in flames after roadside fire on Port Douglas Road


Michael Warren


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This car was on fire just a short time ago in Port Douglas. Screenshot: Michael Warren

Douglas Shire motorists have been left stunned after witnessing a small, hatchback type car fully ablaze on the left hand side of Port Douglas Road just a short time ago.

Newsport reader Jan Murcott was immediately on the scene to take our exclusive video which shows the car completely engulfed with fire.

Seconds later the video shows local fire units just arriving on scene. CLICK HERE to watch Newsport's exclusive video of the incident.

A QLD fire spokesperson confirmed they received a call to attend the scene at 10.50am. The fire was extinguished just after 11am.

An ambulance unit was called to the scene at 10.54am as a precautionary measure.

The QAS spokesperson told Newsport no patients required any treatment at the scene.

The cause of the fire remains unknown.

  • This video is not permitted for use by any other media outlet.



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