EDITOR'S COMMENT: Douglas – The State Government’s taken-for-granted and forgotten Shire - Budget reaction


Michael Warren


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A screenshot shows zero funds allocation into the Douglas Shire following yesterday's budget announcements. Picture: Michael Warren

Between 3.30pm-4.30pm yesterday afternoon I received 13 media releases from Labor Government media types sprouting the wares of the budget bonanza the Miles Government claims it has delivered for the entire State.

What they failed to mention and attempted to wash straight over, was the minute detail that not one announcement involved any golden ticket for the Douglas Shire.

Six months after back to back double disasters in Cyclone Jasper and Mossman Floods impacted our Shire there wasn’t a single announcement or flash of cash that was allocated to help us in the Douglas Shire.

Where were the funds to further secure our water supply?

Yes, things have slowly improved, but you only have to talk to Newsport readers to understand that doubt still remains ahead of any further, similar disasters that may cause a major disruption to our ongoing water security.

Where was the direct assistance to somehow help the future of the Mossman Mill?

Where was the funds assistance and money to pump into the ongoing recovery and restoration of Noah and Alex Ranges in Cape Tribulation?

The State Government loves to promote and publicise the Douglas Shire as one of the must see, bucket list destinations in Australia.

The State Government loves to leverage off the back of places like Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation, the Great Barrier Reef and so on – where was our piece of the pie at yesterday’s budget announcements?

The simple fact is at times the State Government takes Port Douglas and our Shire for granted – until we’re suddenly needed and it suits them.

We’re delighted Cooktown will enjoy its $8M to redevelop and deliver its contemporary health facility and Cairns will lick its lips at the $100M to fund a new surgical centre… but what about the needs of the Douglas Shire?

What about our water, our roads, our residents and our businesses that could have done with a little help – particularly as we continue rebuild after back to back natural disasters?

You only have to visit this website to see the full extend of the ignorance shown by the Labor Government and how neglectful they’ve been in this budget towards our Shire.

Take a quick look at who and what region got what and you’ll see a big fat zero for any announcement or allocation in the Douglas Shire.

We may live in the Far North, but we should never be forgotten.


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