Community connections spark at free monthly 'Light up the park' event


Lisa Keller


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‘Light Up The Park’ will take place each month in a bid to “promote community connectedness”. Picture: Heather McGillivray-Taylor


In a heartwarming initiative to promote local organisations and businesses, and strengthen community bonds, a new series of free events has been launched in the Douglas Shire. ‘Light Up The Park’ will take place each month in a bid to “promote community connectedness”.

After the success of the first two events in April and May, Light Up The Park is now set to a regular occurrence on the Mossman calendar with the next scheduled to take over George Davis Park on June 27th. 

Brody Andrews, Mossman Support Services Youth Centre Coordinator and event organiser, says the event was created to strengthen community ties.

“This initiative began with a desire to support our community and businesses, especially in the aftermath of Cyclone Jasper," he explained. "All food and activities are provided free of charge, funded entirely through grants and the generosity of the community, and we intend to keep it that way.

For some, it’s been a long road to recovery since the extreme weather event that occurred late last year, which Mr Andrews said is exactly why this initiative is so important. “After the year we’ve had, we wanted to be able to support people in a space that’s fun and relaxed and give them an opportunity to connect with each other,” he said.


Light Up The Park will take to George Davis Park once again on June 27th from 3pm - 6pm. For more information or to make a suggestion for next month, visit the Douglas Shire Council website.


A number of local services and businesses will come together once again to put on the completely free, family-friendly event with no plans to add a cost in the future. From the sausage sizzle, live music, fun activities, to jumping castles, and treats such as candy bars and popcorn locals can enjoy all aspects of the event without ever having to open their wallet.

“We’ve had incredible support from local organisations and businesses and we’re getting more and more with each event because they see the value in coming together as a community,” Mr Andrews said. “We plan on keeping the event completely free for the foreseeable future to make it accessible for everyone”.

Completely funded by the kindness of the community, Light Up The Park will continue to evolve with each month’s event being slightly different. “Some of our events will look like this with lots of recreational activities. Others might be a movie under the raintrees which will be extended to the other areas such as Port Douglas but they will all be a relaxed, family-friendly and fun occasion,” said Mr Andrews.

The next instalment will be similar to the last with an afternoon mini-carnival in the park. Mr Andrews says he’s looking forward to the different themes each month and wants the public to have their say. “This is all about what the people want so we’d love to hear from residents about what family-friendly activities they’d like to see us put on for them” he said. 

Light Up The Park will take to George Davis Park once again on June 27th from 3pm - 6pm. For more information or to make a suggestion for next month, visit the Douglas Shire Council website.



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