RENTS UP: Sign of the times as Mossman Backpackers forced to increase rental rates


David Gardiner


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The view from upstairs at the Exchange Hotel and Backpacker Resort. Picture: Supplied

The relatively new, already popular backpackers’ accommodation hub in Mossman says its increased rents for long-term customers are still reasonable despite some concerns by its original tenants about the rises.

Newsport readers contacted us saying they were alarmed when the Exchange Hotel and Backpacker Resort at number two Front St recently put up its rent rates in some cases by 40 per cent, after only opening in April.

But one of the venture’s partners, Nathan Bonneau-Plassa told us that he was up front with the original tenants from the start, saying to them that rents would have to increase once the layout of accommodation was reconfigured and upgrades to fire safety and similar requirements were completed.

“I said to everybody (at the time), for the first three-‘ish’ months of us getting sorted, crossing our t’s, dotting our i’s, we’re just going to blanket approach it and any room in the entire venue is $250 a week, per room,” Mr Bonneau-Plassa said.

Now, rent has increased, according to what size of room and how many people can comfortably stay in each one.

A single room with single bed for example, is now $275 per week, and a triple room with a queen bed plus single bed is $550 pw. 

There are several other options, including a double room at $450 pw, a six-bed dorm which can work out as low as $170 pw per person, and three-bed apartments at $800.

“We’ve restructured room types, we’ve changed the pricing points to suit how many people are going to fit in each room so now, it acts as a proper backpacker resort, or share accommodation,” Mr Bonneau-Plassa said.

“We’ve spent a lot of money and a lot of months working with local firies and building surveyors, the DSC (Douglas Shire Council) to get everything right.

“They came in with measuring tapes and measured every room, you have to have a certain distance. 

“We worked with all the relevant people which has been super good for us because we learnt so much in the process. It just meant that it took us a lot longer before we could open.”

Higher standards and comfort equal better occupancy

Demand for budget accommodation is definitely up in Mossman, especially at this time of year.

“We’re getting a lot more backpacker enquiries.”

He also believes because the old hotel’s rooms have been brought up to an updated and higher standard, with all required fire safety regulations properly in place, it has made a noticeable difference to the local accommodation market.

“Everything we did has actually benefitted us, in that our occupancy rate skyrocketed to a point where we couldn’t fit that many people in there, so we’re in a completely different bracket now which is amazing.

“Another good thing that’s happened especially in the last few months is that we have a good split now of different individuals so we have like locals that live there, we also have backpackers that work in the local area, there’s a number of them that work in Port Douglas.”

Shuttle service grows in demand too

Also, Mr Bonneau-Plassa told us that a vital shuttle service contracted with Star Shuttles mainly to get people to and from work in Port Douglas, is starting to grow its passengers.

“That’s starting to gain more momentum now, not just for our in-house residents but also by locals because we put posters up everywhere in small businesses, so it’s slowly starting to do the things that we wanted it to do.”

The shuttle does three services a day from Front Street in Mossman to the main street in Port Douglas, he said, “and then they’re also allowing locals and residents in the area to contact them directly – just give them at least an hour’s notice – and if they’re going out that way, they’ll pick them up at a super cheap rate and take them into Port.”

That rate – $15 per trip – is way below the price of an equivalent taxi fare. 

“If you’re working in Port and you get a seven-day ticket for example, they’ll look after you and give you a massive discount.

“Keep in mind, taxis cost $70. That’s a 10 minute drive.


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