NOISY WORK: Port Douglas tourism establishments call for restricted building work times outside of peak holiday period


David Gardiner


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An artist’s render of the new Gurner luxury villas in Murphy St, next to Flagstaff Hill. Picture: Submitted

Tourism operators near Flagstaff Hill are calling on Council to better regulate the level of building works noise on a new luxury villa complex behind their properties in Macrossan Street.

The property over a large block of land at the top of Murphy Street is being constructed by the major luxury accommodation developer, Gurner Group.

From down the hill in Macrossan Street, a group of tourism operators have written to us expressing concerns that they and their guests have been disrupted on several occasions by loud jackhammering and other noise coming from the site nearby.

They’ve questioned the timing of the work and want Douglas Shire Council to monitor the times of the noise to see what impact it is having in the local area.

Without wanting to be identified by name or the properties they own and/or manage, a group of operators emailed Newsport with their concerns.

“We as locals are supportive of sensible expansion and monitored approval of standards of buildings to be built in Port Douglas but to have building works with such noise levels taking place in our peak time of tourism is shocking and demonstrates very poor judgment and foresight by our Council who have struck up this deal with the Developers,” the group said.

They went on to say that in approving the development, Council appears to have shown a lack of common sense.

“I think the biggest question most folks want answering is why the council would approve the works to coincide with the peak holiday time when the town is high occupancy especially at the beachfront,” one added.

“It surely should have been a term & condition to the developer/construction co when the town council approved it to elect to do these works at a quieter period of the year.”

We reached out to the Gurner Group for comment, sending them a range of questions about the noise levels, the timing of construction works, and other issues the group of operators claims need answering, such as management of tree clearing on the Murphy St site, and drainage during heavy rainfall events. We also asked if it was possible or feasible to do building works outside of the peak tourism season

But a spokesperson for Gurner would only respond with, “no comment.”

A look at the Gurner website says its project “will set a new benchmark for unique, world-class luxury resort experiences and living. Once complete, the sustainably led design will feature 16 ultra-luxury private residences and a further 18 boutique hotel rooms.”

Newsport is also sending questions to Douglas Shire Council about the tourism business group’s concerns and we hope to receive a response in coming days.


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