Newell Beach flyer Corinthian secures pathway selection, step closer to Cowboys dream


Michael Warren


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Year seven Mossman High School student Corinthian Wacando continues to show his flourishing rugby league talent. Picture: Supplied

Year seven Mossman High School student Corinthian Wacando continues to kick goals ater gaining selection into an elite junior rugby league program at Cairns' Trinity Bay State High School that provides a potential future career pathway with the North Queensland Cowboys.

The selection into next year’s rugby league school of excellence program comes after the soon to turn 12 year-old travelled to the Gold Coast to contest the under-12s rugby league state championships recently.

The second rower/centre performed well there after good lead up efforts in Atherton and Mossman trial events prior to heading to the Gold Coast.


"We have just relocated back home to Yalanji Country in January so that my kids could connect back to family and Country and he is already kicking goals with his sister now doing a traineeship as a tour guide up at the Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre," a family spokesperson said.

"His other sister is at QUT completing a Bachelor of Business/Justice, so overall, we're really proud."




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