Mossman Ice, Bait and Tackle joins Jade Inn, celebrates its own milestone after years of service in Douglas Shire


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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Jim Hutton. Picture: Supplied

In an incredible feat, Mossman Ice Bait and Tackle have serviced our region for 38 years, providing locals and visitors with all their ice and fishing needs.

Owned and operated by Jim and Pat Hutton, the couple have put years of work into running and expanding their business.

Initially running a milk route, the Hutton’s saw an opportunity in our community for a new business venture.

They opened Mossman’s first Ice works supplying party ice to locals and the fishing boats that ran out of Port Douglas at the time. From here the business expanded throughout the years and begun supplying bait and tackle as well as ice.

Newsport spoke with the Hutton’s on their experience operating the popular store and what it means to them to contribute so much to our community.

“It is so special being able to meet all the people we do, locals and tourists,” the Hutton’s stated.

“Especially the repeat visitors, and regular customers, they have seen our kids grow up and we have seen their families grow over time."

Running a business doesn’t come without it’s challenges, Mossman Ice Bait and Tackle have been through multiple cyclones, survived COVID-19 and have all while had to work through slow tourism seasons.

But according to the Hutton’s their key to success is purely their hard work and dedication to the business.

“It’s about being present… to run a business you need to be hands on," the couple said.

With such a milestone now under their belt, continued success for the Hutton’s seems guaranteed, with high hopes that Mossman Ice Bait and Tackle will continue to contribute to the Douglas Shire for years to come.

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