AROUND THE TRAPS: Overseas cost of living shocks Bill, praises recent developments across Shire


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In his latest column Bill talks about cost of living and some positive funding developments. Picture: Supplied

Cost of living shocks

I recently travelled to the UK holidaying with my son for a few weeks, I was shocked by the cost of living there, compared to here.

The only item I could find cheaper than here, were cigarettes, fuel was around $3L, electricity was almost double.

During a supermarket visit a shopping trolley of food, with a small amount of beer and wine, cost over $600.

I said to the checkout lady, that 'she must be on good money working there', her reply was, '11.40 pound an hour', or about A$23. 

An off peak train fare from Chester to London, just over a two hour journey, cost me $146.

I told them I could fly to Brisbane for that price, not from here, you can’t, was the reply. I will never complain about the cost of living in the Douglas Shire or across Australia after this experience.

Douglas Shire Council

Some good things happened while I was away.

The State Government has helped the cane farmers get their crop off for this year and Council received close to $6M from the State Government to help with the transition from cane to other industries.

I believe we've received another $12M for our water infrastructure, from both the State and Federal governments, so good to see the Council fixing our water infrastructure, which had been neglected for so long.

A great effort from our new Mayor, who, I understand has been working well with our local member Cynthia Lui to achieve these outcomes.

Nice to see our Council working with the Government for the betterment of the Shire regardless of which Government is in power. We now have a Mayor who does not have a political agenda, but rather, who wants to get the right outcomes for our Shire - good on you Lisa.

Club Mossman latest

The newly named Club Mossman stage one is almost complete, from the beginning of August entry will be by the new front door.

There will be no steps and vehicles can drive up to the door to drop passengers off, undercover.

There is a whole new gaming room, a new entrance and furniture, there still will be some disruption, as stage one is completed later in August and the final construction of the rest of the club will be completed for the Melbourne Cup.

This redevelopment has been a big boost to the town of Mossman with a cost of almost $6M and mostly local labour where possible.

A lot of people may not realise what this club does in the community, they donate large amounts of money to sporting clubs, schools, and other charitable organisations throughout the year.

They also employ 26 people from around the Shire, most of them young ones.

Although this club is a Bowling club, it is a club for the community - it's the community's club.

Pool has taken off in a big way here, and the new sports bar, to be completed in late September, which will be the new house for the pool table, will be welcomed by all. A shuttle bus is also being trialled from Port Douglas to the club, on a Friday and Saturday night and if it’s supported, it’ll continue.

  • Around the traps is a monthly column contributed by well known Douglas Shire resident Bill Allison.

- The views and opinions in the column are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the Newsport editor or staff.

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