YOU SAID IT! Spiegeltent blown out of Carnivale

Kent Fordham - Newsport Facebook
Wow. The biggest drawcard of Carnivale, canned. I guess we can hope that CRC steps in and finds a place in their schedule, but a huge loss for Port Douglas.
Ricky Dawn - Newsport Facebook
I wonder if there are any plans to find similar replacement entertainment? Admittedly, the Spiegel Tent did cater to all age groups and interests, so it will be hard to replicate that diversity of performance, but let's let ourselves be surprised.
Susie Sampson - Newsport Facebook
Our family and friends have been going to see the wonderful entertainment at the Spiegeltent over the last 8 years. It has intrinsically become the fabric of Carnivale. So sad to see this go. Thank you to Melissa, her team and all the entertainers who gave us such great shows every year.
Marnie Elizabeth Splatt - Newsport Facebook
That's terrible news. I loved going there every year. Such a huge part of carnival.
Lawrence Mason - Newsport Facebook
You would hope the Mayor is on a plane and asking some questions in Brisbane? With Kempton by her side. And the bloody road still looks the same.
Adam Breen - Newsport Facebook
Maybe just time for a bit of a revamp it can still be amazing.
Chrissy Geyer - Newsport Facebook
So that's Carnivale done then. That was the best part. No point having it now.
Rod Davis - Newsport Facebook
The 'big beige' of Douglas continues.
Loved Locos move out of Mossman
Mark Sorri - Newsport Facebook
Mossman will live on, but the mill and sugar are gone, the rails will disappear, the cane fields will grow guinea grass so people, go see the mill before it gets demolished for scrap, life goes on even though some of us wished it were different.
Lyn Buffington - Newsport Facebook
This is so sad to see. We loved to see them running through was just so part of our "MOSSMAN"
Margaret Benington - Newsport Facebook
So sad. Such a tourism iconic view, to see the Cane trains trundling along. At least the Bally Hooley is preserved for all to see.
Margaret Chandler - Newsport Facebook
Would be great if they opened the rail from Port to Mossman.
Andrew Caruana - Newsport Facebook
It is so sad to see Australia closing everything down. Car industry, Power stations and now the sugar mills. That would have been much better natural power source than these wind farms. Anyway what would I know?
Tom Patts - Newsport Facebook
Instead of creating a tourist/public transport link, it's all being taken away. Too bad for our local towns and attractions. Locos going, parts of the historic rail lines ripped up at the behest of... (let's not mention any names) authorities.
Robert Steinberg - Newsport Facebook
That's the finish of the Mossman sugàr mill sorry to see it gone
Neil Jabs - Newsport Facebook
The Mossman Mill has not been profitable to the extent that the state and federal government has injected millions each year ( and still doing so this and next year). A sugar mill is like any other business that should run in profit and be sustainable. Strange that of all the other sugar mills in Queensland can operate in profit and still stay viable except for the Mossman Sugar Mill. One questions where is the government money gone? I don’t want to see the mill close but reality is that the mill will never operate again sadly. The tonnage now is not viable and it has become unprofitable- you may ask why and how?
Berto Ricardo - Newsport Facebook
The sugar industry has been declining for decades. If it was profitable it would be expanding. Only a matter of time when no sugar is produced in Australia. I used to harvest 30 years ago but I saw the writing on the wall.
We see croc sightings are on the rise
Solar Whisper Daintree River Crocodile & Wildlife Cruises - Newsport Facebook
So the croc app is working as more people download, maybe tourism numbers are up compared to 2023 ? Sightings however don’t equate to population numbers . So not more crocs just more people reporting them. But it’s always great to have a reminder to be croc wise in croc country and we can coexist with a few changes in our behaviour. What a magnificent place we all live in and no wonder Sir David Attenborough called it his favourite place.
Damon Woods - Newsport Facebook
There have been a lot more sightings of marine life in general because these days everyone has a camera in their pocket and then there are thousands of people using drones. I follow a guy who flies his drone over Bondi beach and he's very often spotting a variety of sharks including great whites, hammerheads, and bull sharks as well as dolphins, whales, and schools of fish out the back of the breakers where surfers and swimmers are obliviously paddling above them. They've always been there but unless you were flying over in a helicopter you'd not have noticed.
Nort Weir - Newsport Facebook
Pretty obvious after the rain last wet. A lot of river bank damage and nesting areas have gone. Doubt the numbers have increased as eggs were destroyed.
The Douglas Dingo Debate
Kim Maree - Newsport Comments
Dingoes play a crucial role in the health of our ecosystems and biodiversity. We need to learn to live in harmony with Nature and all our Native Wildlife including our Dingoes.
Dingoes play an important role in keeping our country's already endangered native species from further decline. Studies have shown that where Dingoes are allowed to survive there has been a noticeable increase in endangered species numbers and far less numbers of feral foxes and cats.
Where our dingoes are being killed the numbers of feral cats and foxes are exploding putting our already extremely vulnerable native species at far greater risk of extinction. Dingoes also play a very important role in the health of our ecosystems which has been shown in studies by scientific experts.
We are facing Global Warming and mass extinction of many precious native species. We need to learn to live in harmony with our Dingoes and allow them to recover before it's too late for all our sakes.
In America they have realised how important an Apex predator's role is to the health of their ecosystems and biodiversity. They have allowed the wolves to recover in National Parks and studies have shown vast improvements in all areas.
Our first Nations Peoples are closely connected to Dingoes and hold Dingoes as Sacred. They know the importance of our Dingoes and their pleas to stop killing our Dingoes have been ignored. We need to start listening.
We as Australians need to stand up and give our voices to protect our Dingoes for the future generations to be able to enjoy a healthy ecosystem rich with precious native species.
How shameful it is as Australians to stand by and not be a voice for our Dingoes and all our precious native species.
Stop killing our precious Dingoes before it is too late.
Culling doesn't work! Let our Dingoes live and recover, then nature will start to recover and it will take care of itself.
Jen Parker - Newsport Comments
The Dingoes must be protected. They are a keystone species. Champions of biodiversity!
They deserve better. Dingoes are our only top land apex predator necessary in keeping all our ecosystems in a healthy natural balance.
Trapping and killing these animals is a huge mistake.
Taz - Newsport Comments
Disgusting. Leave them alone. People like dingoes and want them and expect them.
Monica Halas - Newsport Comments
Must protect dingos
John Guerillot - Newsport Facebook
Is that a Dingo or a cross Dingo? If it's a cross what's the next one going to be? Are they still Dingoes?
Sue Bingley - Newsport Facebook
Are you serious!!! They are living in the mangrove swamp, behind the country club. Have been living there long before us previous humans came along and developed a “ Fraser Island “ mentality about our native wildlife. They are extremely special and l believe that that the area they live in, is under native title. Maybe speak to some of our local elders, rather than listen to uneducated new white newcomers!
Geordie Bye - Newsport Facebook
I wonder how many people will blame the council if one bites someone as per what they are doing on a regular basis on Fraser Island. I’m not saying anything about killing them but just curious about the above fact.
Casey Gibson - Newsport Facebook
Anyone know where these traps are set? Just asking for a friend.
John Hutton - Newsport Facebook
Why wouldn't we want wild predators living near our children's skate park? As long as they don't cut down any trees or paint signs on the road I'm sure they'll be fine!
Jtwodramakarma Dharma - Newsport Facebook
Dingoes protected and control programs for human idiots.. !
Susan Morgan - Newsport Facebook
Let’s just shoot with a camera shall we?
Joost Andrew Bakker - Newsport Facebook
There's only 2 places in Australia where the wild dogs are classed as dingos ( according to the gov). Fraser Island and somewhere in the N.T. The rest are classed as wild dogs.
Marylou Drew - Newsport Facebook
Why are they coming closer to society......common sense.....they are coming for food, what the heck is wrong with you all? Glad I moved away from the Douglas Shire, the FNQ tropics has got to ya’s all. Soon ya won't be able to go outside cause for fear of dingoes attacking ya or running away with ya babies and no beach walks. Water one side and dingoes bahahaha the other WILD DOGS, PEOPLE
Tyler Dawson - Newsport Facebook
They are going after the young, weak calves getting around on cattle properties, so they are definitely well fed. Expecting to see many more over the years to come.
Paul Cain - Newsport Facebook
While working on Macrossan St during recent night works traffic control reported and logged a dingo on Macrossan St at 2.45am last Wednesday.
Pauline Halsall - Newsport Facebook
People STOP feeding them I know you feel that you are helping a hungry animal but in helping them you will have them shot.
Carols Under the Raintrees
Dear Editor,
This year it was specifically beautiful. The Stage, the performances and beautiful dressed visitors which sang along and used their phone with lights. All stall holders had good offers and the weather was perfect. Loved the magic lights on the church and trees. Santa impressed the kids. The volunteers gave it all and were never tired to help.
Overall, everyone had a great time. Bravo
Liz Lang, Rocky Point
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